At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
Rapport Cartoonist Jerm Banned From Facebook After Helen Zille Tweeted His Old Cartoon, Which Triggered Racebaiting Far Left Wing Fascists
Shadowy Fascist Far Left Wing gangs have allegedly tricked Facebook into removing Rapport Cartoonist and social commentator Jerm’s Facebook page with 60k followers, according to Jerm (Real name Jeremy Nel). Renaldo Gouws is apparently the next target for these anti free speech, black supremacist extremists who use bots heavily and are probably funded by George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood, like similar groups throughout Western nations.
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Political chaos reigns in Gauteng over mayor’s office – DA and EFF in battle, IFP might walk away in victory
A political confusion is playing out in Johannesburg and Pretoria with the far left DA still trying to control the city council in both cities.
Eventually, they can become the biggest losers because of their hand around the neck politics with the radicals in the Red Brigade.
In Johannesburg, there is currently a battle going on between the DA and the Red Brigade over the mayor’s office, which now poses the possibility that the IFP will triumph in this sage while the other two are fighting.
Doubt also exists about the DA and its Red partner’s unity in Pretoria while the first sounds are heard of the Reds claiming the mayor’s office because Zille is now back in the DA.
The possibility of a motion of no confidence in the DA could also sink the ship, says political observers in Pretoria.
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Police officers spent R5.3m on fake EFF and Fees Must Fall investigations
A pair of top officers are believed to have paid money from a crime intelligence slush fund to ‘informants’ which didn’t exist. A report in the Sunday Independent accuses top police officers of looting crime intelligence funds to the tune of R5.3 million.
The publication says an internal report shows that these officials embarked on supposed investigations into the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and Fees Must Fall movement leadership, but spent the money meant for these investigations on luxury hotels.
They also allegedly paid various amounts to non-existent “informants”.
According to the report, Major-General Deena Moodley and Colonel Preadhashni Govender spent a night at the Drakensburg Sun Resort in December, 2016, under the pretext that they were “attending a meeting by EFF members planning a rally” due to “conspiracy to commit arson by EFF Student Command”, changing theirs stories to say they were investigating a plot to
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Traitor Malema Sells Out His Own People To Globalism! Just Like De Klerk, Mandela, Tony Blair, Merkel, Obama…
Julius Malema, the deliberately controversial leader of the deliberately misnamed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), recently showed his true globalist colours, exposing his service and loyalty to London and Western Globalism. Speaking in response to the popular uprising happening among black South Africans, who are pushing back against the unchecked mass immigration into their country ever since the ANC obediently implemented Open Borders, through their policy of Deliberate Negligence on the border.
The EFF leader has responded to reports of renewed anti mass immigration violence by asking his followers to rather direct their anger at wealthy white people.
In a speech (video below) and tweet that has been described by EFF opponents AfriForum as a “racist incitement”, Malema called for “African brothers and sisters” to rather direct their anger at the “owners of wealth … white monopoly capital”.
As all nations around the globe who ha
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Alliance ends, but how long will it last, since money speaks louder than political promises ?- Red Brigade wanted the mayorship in Tshwane, but DA wont surrender power to EFF
The EFF announced that they would not go into coalition with the DA in any municipalities as the DA refused their request that the red brigade receive the mayor in Pretoria.
They also said they would not partner with the ANC if votes were to be voted for.
Observers say time will tell how long the “promise” will last because money speaks louder than political promises.
The DA will not surrender the government of the City of Tshwane to the EFF, regional leader Abel Tau has said. Tau, also utility services MMC in the City’s DA-led coalition government, hit out at his EFF counterpart Moafrika Mabogwana, who has called for a fresh election in the metro.
“We don’t live in a banana republic where everyone can today decide that I am not happy with how people have voted and call for elections,” said Tau.
“In democracy, you respect democracy and wait for the next election cycle.”
After the May 8 general electio
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5 new laws the EFF wants to introduce in SA, chief among these is a new bill which will nationalise the South African Reserve Bank
The EFF wants to introduce a number of bills within the coming months, as the party seeks to have a greater influence in the country’s political sphere.
Speaking in parliament on Tuesday (25 June), the party’s chief whip Floyd Shivambu indicated that these would include a number of reforms as well as the introduction of entirely new pieces of legislation.
Chief among these is a new bill which will nationalise the South African Reserve Bank (SARB).
First mooted by the party in 2018, the bill will make the institution state-owned and see its directors appointed by the finance minister rather than shareholders. This would bring South Africa in line with 90% of the world’s central banks, Shivambu said.
Some of the other major proposals include:
A state-owned bank bill – Shivambu said that the EFF is currently finalising legislation on a state-owned bank;
A Sovereign wealth fund bill – Shivambu said that the EFF plans t
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Zindzi Mandela: EFF issue warning to “racists” who want her fired – Are they referring to AfriForum?
Following Zindzi Mandela’s explosive Twitter rant last Friday, the fallout has been nuclear. South Africa’s ambassador to Denmark – and the daughter of Nelson Mandela – has faced an outpouring of both criticism and support for sharing strongly-worded Tweets on land expropriation.
I am not accountable to any white man or woman for my personal views. No missus or baas here. Get over yourselves #OurLand
What Zindzi Mandela said about land
Mandela staunchly threw her support behind plans to return the land to displaced black citizens in South Africa, in order to reverse the legacy of apartheid. However, she did it by blasting white people and using language that is best described as “undiplomatic” – something of a cardinal sin for someone in her role.
Her call for action on land expropriation mirrors the policies of the EFF. So it was inevitable the opposition party would officially leap to her defence. In a
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EFF loses appeal bid in Trevor Manuel defamation case and still face R500 000 in damages
The South Gauteng High Court has dismissed an EFF application for leave to appeal a defamation ruling in a case brought against them by Trevor Manuel.
In late May Judge Elias Matojane had ordered the EFF to apologise to Manuel after the former finance minister sued the party for alleging in a statement that he was a business associate of and related to new SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter. Matojane also awarded Manuel R500 000 in general damages.
The EFF, in a statement in March, had described Manuel’s involvement in Kieswetter’s selection process as “nepotistic” and “corrupt”.
Manuel was the head of a selection panel, appointed by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni, tasked with interviewing candidates to head up the tax agency. The panel made recommendations for the top job, but did not make the final decision.
‘Lack the prospect of success’
On Tuesday Matojane ruled that the EFF’s groun
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Leader of the Marxist EFF, Julius Malema’s net worth of USD$2 Million or R25,326,050.05
This is the same person that tells you and me that capitalism is evil and that black people can’t succeed in this country because there is a “system” created by white people that is holding them down.
– Break The Silence About South Africa
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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Your Vote DOES Count in SA’s Proportional Representation System – Do The Math. Not Voting Strengthens The ANC’s Vote
THE SA VOTING SYSTEM EXPLAINED: The Proportional Representation voting system that is used in SA means that every vote counts and that NONE ARE WASTED. This why it is important to vote for smaller parties and NOT the main parties like ANC or DA!
10 people go to vote. 6 vote “ANC” and 4 vote for the “fairy tale” party. The ANC will get 6 out of 10 votes which is 60% of the seats in parliament and the “fairy tale” party will get 4 out of 10 votes which is 40% of the seats.
If 13 people go to vote the sum looks like this:
Still only 6 people have vote for the ANC as before,
and once again 4 people for the “fairy tale” party,
but now 2 people for the “happy” party,
and 1 person for the “we care” party
and 1 person for the “nou gaan ons braai” party.
NOW the ANC still only gets 6 votes, but it is out of out of
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The South African political parties in favour of the death penalty, do you want the Death Penalty to be enforced?
It’s one of the more divisive topics up for discussion during the 2019 Elections, but the subject of re-introducing the death penalty often proves to be a popular one when the politicians are on the prowl for our votes.
South Africa’s abnormally-high crime rates and propensity for gender-based violence often gets emotions running high – which is perhaps a good enough argument for why this particular punishment should not be used as an electioneering tool.
In fact, these were sentiments echoed by Clare Ballard, the head of the penal reform programme of Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) in midweek. She said that the conversation merely deflects from the actual causes of crime:
“The death penalty is not a quick fix and it does not cure crime. Every time politicians avoid confronting the complex truths about crime and punishment, we lose a vital opportunity to examine what it will take to ensure real safety for everyone.”
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