A far left hit piece against GAB was published in Newsweek and the Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, which was based on a “report” published by the jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The so called report highlights how people post GAB links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like. GAB is the alternative Social Media APP for people that have been abused by left wing platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and has become a refuge for Conservatives and Christians who have realised that the Establishment itself is far left.
“If you say Jesus is King, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will call you an anti-semite” – #GAB Responds to New #ADL Attack
More Unreported Murders. Is Murder Now So Common & Boring That Mainstream Media Doesn’t Bother Reporting it, or is it Just Not Profitable in The “Mass Market”?
In the media world there is a saying: If it bleeds, it leads. However according to the headlines and frontpages of mainstream media nowadays, it would seem this is no longer the case, as alleged racism is treated far more serious than murder or rape and given far more coverage! In fact with 56 murders a day, many homicides barely make the Facebook pages of these newspapers and rape doesn’t even get reported in many cases!
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Black African population is in the majority and constitutes approximately 81% of the total SA population -Population increases by 900 000 from 2018 and has risen to 58.8 million
The South African population has risen to 58.8 million from 2018’s 57. 9 million, figures released by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) Statistician General Risenga Maluleke have revealed.
The statistics are contained in the 2019 mid-year population estimates report released on Monday.
Of the 58.8 million, 51% are female while 49% are male.
Maluleke said births remained the main driver of population growth in South Africa. Population figures were also impacted by deaths and immigration.
The report reveals that by mid-2019, the country had recorded 1.2 million births, 200 000 net migration, while 500 000 deaths were recorded.
More than half the population, the report reveals, lives in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.
About 15 million (25.8%) South Africans live in Gauteng. Just over 11 million (19.2%) people reside in KwaZulu-Natal while 6.8 million South Africans (11.6%) stay in the Western Cape.
Mid-year po
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SA prepares itself for ‘President Mabuza’ – Ramaphosa’s position under threat following report from the public protector
Following the release of Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s report finding that President Cyril Ramaphosa was guilty of violating the constitution and misleading parliament relating to donations made by Bosasa’s Gavin Watson to his CR17 campaign for the ANC presidency, it makes sense that South Africans would question his future as our president.
This has led to the conclusion by many on Twitter that we should start preparing for the inauguration of a person one user described as the “president in waiting” – current vice president David “DD” Mabuza, sometimes referred to by his nickname, “the cat”.
Mabuza’s status as deputy president came into question earlier this year, when he delayed his swearing-in, saying he wanted to first deal with a report that found him to have brought the ANC into disrepute.
The report, which identified Mabuza among 22 allegedly problematic candidates, led to “the cat” meeting with the ANC’
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Constitutional Court says Public Protector is incompetent for her post
The Legal Practice Board was requested by Accountability Now (AN), a non-profit organization, to remove the name of the Public Protector (PP), Busisiwe Mkhwebane, from the advocates.
It follows the Constitutional Court’s ruling that she had acted and lied under oath. Adv Paul Hoffman, a director at AN, said in a letter to the Legal Practice Council that the findings against the PP are serious and final and that her honesty, integrity and competency as PP is affected.
Dr Pieter Groenewald, leader of the FF Plus says that the ruling and findings of the Constitutional Court this morning against the Public Protector (PP), Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane, who has, among other things, exceeded her mandate, is damning and in fact she says she is incompetent for office as South Africa’s EM.
The Constitutional Court found this morning that the Public Prosecutor’s Office had issued a “large amount of untruths” in the case an
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Of the 47,000 citizens surveyed in 35 African countries, more than half believed corruption was getting worse in their country.
The Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) Africa on Thursday revealed that the South African Police Service (SAPS) is considered the most corrupt institution in the country.
The GCB is the largest, most detailed survey of citizens’ views on corruption and bribery in Africa. The survey was conducted between the end of July and September last year.
The survey also revealed that 64% of those surveyed think corruption levels increased during the past 12 months. However, overall the SAPS was considered the most corrupt institution in South Africa.
“It is absolutely essential that corruption in the police is tackled. I have to say that it is not an uncommon result across countries and not only in Africa. In some sense, police have extraordinary power and therefore it is there to be abused,” said Corruption Watch’s
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UN Report: Over 500,000 people murdered in SA since 1994 – ANC’s SA has one of the highest murder rates in the world at 36 per 100,000 people!
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) has released a new report focusing on the countries with the highest murder rates.
The study seeks to shed light on gender-related killings, lethal gang violence and other challenges, with the aim of bringing homicide rates around the world.
The data shows that the overall number of people who suffered a violent death as a result of homicide increased in the past quarter of a century, from 395,542 in 1992 to 464,000 in 2017.
However, because the global population has risen faster than the increase in recorded homicide victims, the overall risk of being killed in homicides has declined steadily.
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Life for Public Protector, gets hot – complains of death threats and incident where staff are poisoned
Public Protector’s arguments in her report are now being strongly condemned by Minister Gordhan’s supporters, but the ANC’s President Ramaphosa is silent on the matter.
Informed observers say Busisiwe Mkhwebane acted incorrectly in her role as a Public Protector by focusing only on ANC’s Pravin Gordhan.
It appears that her report is not without errors and is now being disputed.
Instead of focusing on the facts of her report, she complains about the difficult circumstances under which she is working.
She referred in the report to the death threats she received, and a “mysterious” car accident in which she was involved and also referred to an incident where one of her staff was poisoned to receive hospital treatment.
About the relevant facts, little has emerged except to recommend that the president dismiss the minister.
-Read the original article in Afrikaans on Vryburger
This report
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How do you explain it? Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in South Africa are functionally correct
The Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu, pointed out the big sore in the economy of the country.
In his latest report, he shows that politicians and officials simply ignore his office’s recommendations.
The other truth that emerges is that municipal councils do not have the necessary skills to handle finance.
Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in the country received clean audits, a worsening of the 33 who received clean reports in 2015 – 2016.
Almost 33% of the councils spend more than they bring in which is a total debt of R5.8bn. Unauthorized R1.3 billion is water under the bridge that will never be recovered.
North West, Limpopo and the Free State have no municipality that received a clean audit. Then add the R9.12bn debt to Eskom and R5.85bn to the Water Council by councils then paint a pale picture of the state of the country’s municipalities.
Then, in the 2017-18 financial year, 18% of the Councils did not
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Thuli Madonsela: where is the Gupta Waterkloof landing report? – The former public protector questions why successor Busisiwe Mkhwebane closed the Gupta landing probe that sent shock waves through SA
The former and current public protectors continue to butt heads, this time over the Gupta family’s controversial aeroplane landing.
Former public protector Thuli Madonsela has continued to weigh in on the work of her successor, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, this time calling into question her office’s decision to close the investigation into the Gupta family’s hugely controversial 2013 aeroplane landing at Waterkloof Air Force Base, according to a report in Business Day.
Madonsela told the publication that the Waterkloof investigation had been completed and that all that remained was for Mkhwebane to issue a report.
The former public protector said she reached out to the office after Mkhwebane reportedly incorrectly claimed that there was no public protector investigation into the matter, adding that her office went on to then close the investigation.
The reasons for this, according to Madonsela, are a “mystery”.
Mkhwebane, meanwhi
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Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s Nightmare – Position as Public Protector at Risk Due to Deceptive Reports
The Public Protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, probably has sleepless nights and a lot of nightmares over her own report condemning Pravin Gordhan.
If the court case from Pravin Gordhan instigates to honor his name after the OB has accused him of unlawful conduct in her report, it could mean the end of her career.
She has already been criticized and condemned by the Constitutional Court that she has acted unconstitutional and her report has therefore been declared invalid.
Now she faces the law with Gordhan’s case in the Court of Audit, which she does not dare to lose, otherwise she will probably also lose her post as Public Protector.
The previous lawsuit reacted sharply to her “unconstitutional” actions, and experts began to argue in the media that she was not fit for office in which Jacob Zuma had appointed her.
She is known to be (or is) a Zuma fan while Gordhan is a Ramaphosa supporter.
Opinion polls are co
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Public Protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane’s expertise questioned with her report on Vrede Dairy Farm project and action to rather protect perpetrators than prosecute them
The South African Public Protector appointed by Jacob Zuma after the exit of Madonsela’s actions is so suspicious that political experts question her expertise in office.
This follows after the High Court in Pretoria declared that the Public Protector’s report on the Vrede Dairy Farm project is unconstitutional and invalid.
Opinion polls believe that the Public Protector’s report has been drafted to provide protection to the perpetrators, and the Zuma regime wants to be obedient instead of capturing a professional finding on paper.
More than R200 million of taxpayers’ money was used to fund the “black empowerment project”, which was eventually identified as another corruption project.
Some of the money was allegedly paid over to the controversial Guptas, and the dairy farm workers did not receive a single cent.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not nec
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