#ExposeThemToHarm – The 7th farmer has been murdered in the Free State in a month, meaning South Africa is losing more than one of its world renown food producers every week! These persecuted farmers have a reputation of being among the best in the world, and should be treated as a national strategic resource, however the ANC regime and its gang of Socialist parasites like the EFF & SACP, are happy to see to see them permanently removed. Why? Simply because the State wants complete ownership and control of food production to blackmail the population with – Communism 101! How? It is a little known Marxist strategy that to kill off your enemy, you can do it indirectly by deliberately exposing them to harm (disarmament, famine, drought, disease, crime, drugs, unemployment, mass migration, negligence, etc.), leaving you with 100% deniability! You just have to encourage and point the criminals in the right direction now and again, with p
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ANC Policy of Exposing Farmers to Harm Costs SA a Food Producer Every Week! This Week They Let Mark Regal be Murdered!
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Barbaric Escalation To Socialist Driven Scorched Earth Tactics Against South African Farmers Underscores Need for Minorities to Secede ASAP! – ULA
The United Liberty Alliance has issued a statement regarding the apparent Scorched Earth Strategy now being inflicted on the South Africa Farming Community. Since Sunday October 18th disturbing reports of farmlands being set alight in what appears to be a well planned strategy have started surfacing on social media in South Africa and escalating, as it continues to occur in more towns of the north western Free State. Up until Tuesday 20th at noon, no mainstream media news reports could be found emanating from any of these platforms even though numerous messages, visuals and voice notes have been sent across open community platforms which include certain emergency support groups.
These appeals included heart wrenching voice notes from farmers recording their cries for assistance while fighting the raging flames. These reports sketch graphic events of property set alight with livestock and game farm animals caught in these unforgiving blazes, with great loss to
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The #GeorgeFloyd Opportunity to Turn USA into a Sh*thole like SA, with Murder, Crime, Corruption, Consumerism & Communism!
The Africanization of America: It is not hard to see that the left wing riots currently blighting USA, are more to do with it being an election year and hopeless Democrat’s last gasp attempt to steal power again, than it is to do with actual sympathy or outrage for George Floyd, a black porn actor, high on a cocktail of illegal drugs resisting arrest, who was accidentally killed by a white cop, with whom he had worked as a bouncer at a local club for a decade. However commies will never let a good crisis go to waste in their aim to turn USA into South Africa, where rampant crime, corruption, murder and bling rule the roost!
The left wing and far left wing establishment have been having a torrid few years ever since the democratic victory of BRexit and the surprise (not to us) election of Trump. Indeed the libtards have watched their Liberal World Order crumble in front of them, after they have spent almost a century building up their socialist driven org
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Angered pupils ‘burn down Durban school’ after getting ‘bad marks’
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education has condemned the burning down of Zwelinjani Secondary School in Durban, after pupils allegedly became enraged over poor marks they had received.
“There are claims that the fire started after chaos erupted when school reports were issued to learners who felt that the results they had obtained were not what they deserved. The learners allegedly accused teachers of giving them bad marks,” department spokesperson Kwazi Mthethwa said on Thursday after the incident.
He said emergency services had been called out to Zwelinjani Secondary School in Zwelibomvu, in the Pinetown District, earlier in the day.
“Emergency teams have responded to fire incidents at the school. Buildings that were destroyed by fire include the office of the school principal, the school kitchen and staff room.”
Mthethwa said district officials had reported that that “no one was injured in the fire, but
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Parliament’s porch talks lead to country’s downfall – SA needs action now to stop crime and not empty promises and threats
The parliamentarians’ babble in parliament is to get sick, especially if, after a serious series of incidents, they suddenly think something needs to be done.
This is the opinion of a political analyst following the series of rapes that took place on several campuses across South Africa.
He says every member of parliament wants to talk about the matter, utter a lot of threats, thinks it’s time to act against the crime, and everything stops.
He says the MPs think if they cleaned up the rape case and said enough about the issue under discussion, then the case was won, and no rape will ever happen again.
Over the past week, dozens of rapes have been reported on campuses that leave the women students terrified while none of the criminals have been arrested.
It is precisely this behavior and condition that is frightening, and the speech in parliament, without approving legislation and measures, is the downfall of the country
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ANC losing the crime battle in SA? – 52 murders daily and has the highest rape rate with 65 000 reported cases a year
The question is increasingly asked whether crime in SA is still under control if the statistics are measured. According to Bheki Cele, the Minister of Police, the South African Police have not yet lost the fight against crime in the country.
Looking at statistics, the picture looks sad. It appears that 52 murders took place daily in the 2016/17 year. Rape figures show that SA has the highest worldwide figure with 65,000 reported cases a year. It is known that many rapes are never reported due to the stigma AND the inability of the police and judicial system to get convictions. South Africa has the highest incidence of child and baby rapes in the world.
Vehicle hijackings are high compared to other countries while transit robberies have become an epidemic.
Gang violence in the Western Cape has claimed the lives of 11 people this past weekend while 45 people were killed in Hanover Park this year. Add to that the farm attacks and murders where in M
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N3 Highway between Gauteng and KZN dangerous at night, be vigilant during school holidays
Vaal Triangle and other South African motorists were warned during the school holidays not to use the N3 highway between Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal at night.
The N3 toll booth says there is an increase in violent incidents on the road and motorists should rather try to plan their trips for the day. The toll road starts at the Cedara Interchange in KwaZulu-Natal and ends at the Heidelberg South Interchange in Gauteng. It is one of the busiest roads in the country.
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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The ANC Accountability – In just over 25 years, a godless, communist government has managed to “rule” a once prosperous country to the brink of bankruptcy
The tragedy in our country is that Africa never, but never takes responsibility for its own shortcomings or failures. Something or someone else will always be found to blame.
In just over 25 years, a godless, communist government has managed to “rule” a once prosperous country to the brink of bankruptcy.
What is even worse is that crime has become out of control, that little if any state department is really working properly and that local authorities are unable to guarantee service delivery to taxpayers.
Now comes the blame shift. “Apartheid is the cause of the moral decay and social illness of the country”. It was the words of the ANC’s national executive committee member, Mathole Motshekga, during a “social cohesion and moral regeneration” information session.
Now comes Ramaphosa and wants to set up an inter-faith gathering to address the decay in the country. By doing so, he wants to reverse t
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So this then is the picture the world sees of law and order in South Africa?
The president wants to emphasize the importance of tourism to a country, already well known, as an unsafe destination. And the government institution responsible for the safety and security of citizens and visitors alike carries an image such as this….
What concerns Front National most is the fact that this is the image of what “South Africans” accept and allow. The world does not pay attention to the statements of objection by individuals on the social media. They say: You have a democratic process and we don’t see evidence that you oppose these things. You keep on voting for impotent parties who does nothing to oppose the direction your country takes.
To that, we have no strong response. And we hear this when we speak to the outside world.
Therefore the white South African has to understand: as long as you carry on supporting the current Parliamentary parties, the world will understand that you tolerate and accept the S
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