It is tragic that the courts have to protect the true diversity of South Africa, with a dozen languages, from the ANC regime, and it remains unfortunate that the ANC government preaches diversity, yet applies monolingualism. This ruling is appropriate on the eve of Heritage Day, in that it recognized the language rights of students, and imposes a specific obligation with regard to execution on Unisa. It is equally unfortunate that language and cultural communities have to turn to the courts in the final instance, to claim their rights as diverse languages with specific reference to Afrikaans, especially at historically Afrikaans universities.
SA Constitutional Court Declares UNISA Language Policy Unconstitutional in 5 Year Long Court Case!
Whites Excluded by Law in South Africa! Even Emergency Covid19 Relief Funds Withheld from Whites by the ANC Black Majority Government!
“THE STRUGGLE” for Black Supremacy: The ANC regime have officially become what they allegedly fought against, by legislating race based regulations! Despite legal challenges, the Department of Tourism has announced that its “if you are white, you are out” assistance package, of R1, 2 Billion is to proceed and whites will officially be excluded!
Accusing the ANC of Black Supremacism, Dirk Hermann of Solidarity Trade Union has said that race – only giving opportunities to black people – is clearly a super right in South Africa, which is not even subjected to any lockdown.
This was Mr. Hermann’s reaction after Solidarity and Afriforum had a fruitless meeting with the Department of Tourism where they tried to persuade them to drop the exclusion of white owned small businesses from the Department of Tourism’s new assistance fund for the tourism sector of R 1,2 billion.
Solidarity and A
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Brave Family Fight For Their Lives on Valentines Day! Lucky to be Alive After Sending Heavily Armed Home Invaders Packing!
Some people are prepared and willing to fight back, as this brave Dad, Mom and Daughter proved, sending heavily armed attackers packing, after a life and death struggle. The family from Pretoria reacted quickly and fought back when surprised by home invaders, but are lucky to be alive, with a bullet grazing the man’s head. Sadly these types of home invasion attacks are happening daily now and it is important to take note of, learn lessons, plan and take precautionary measures, because you never know when it is your family’s turn to be attacked. At the end of this report are some safety tips, so please read and start your planning today.
Gustav Dreyer (52) from Riviera, Pretoria, his wife Elmarie (51) and daughter Melissa (18) put up a massive fight in their double story house against 3 black male home invaders on Valentine’s Sunday evening, 14 February 2021. In the end they sent the heavily armed attackers packing but Gustav is lucky to be a
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Justice Used as a Weapon Against the White Minority in SA! Many SA Judges Corrupt and Prejudiced Against Whites!
Being non political, Judges are meant to be the last stand between anarchy and civilisation, however decisions by Justices in SA suggests the Rainbow AbomiNation is in a state in anarchy, where mobs, criminals and gangsters rule! In one example, the innocent Coligny men were incarcerated for 13 months because of pressure by a radicalised black lynch mob and liberal media, which proves that systemic and institutional racism against whites is the order of the day in SA!
Pieter Doordewaard and Philip Schutte were incarcerated in prison for 13 months basically because they had a white skin and there was a black lynch mob – with liberal mainstream media in tow – standing right outside the court, baying for their blood, even though there was only a single black witness, who later reportedly told 4 people that he lied to the court, to falsely accuse Doordewaard and Schutte of murder.
This case also proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is
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#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!
DO WHITE LIVES MATTER? Farm attacks and murders have raged on in South Africa and as usual have been ignored by the Liberal Establishment. Farm attacks and murders are not new at all in South Africa and have been allowed to flourish for 3 decades, by the ANC government and other black supremacist parties who wage a slow racial war of attrition against the South African white minority. Even though the ANC government does not keep these statistics, the facts and figures on this are clear because the statistics are being kept by Afrikaner organizations like Afriforum, ToekomsVonk and TLU SA. The ANC and their left wing accomplices, like the liberal media and certain immoral militant antifa linked social media groups, try their best to cover it up, to perpetuate their anarchist agenda.
These are the reported incidents that we are aware of for the period of 1 June 2020 to 27 June 2020. The fact that almost all the victims were white and the perpetrators almost exclusively
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
Far left groups like antifa and Black Lives Matter have hijacked the George Floyd protests and many have seized t
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Stories of White Exclusion by Black SA Government! Yet Only 11% of Total Applications for CCP-Virus SMME Assistance Scheme Approved!
The Black South African government, which defended its right to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency assistance in the Constitutional Court, (and won!), seems to not really care about its own people either! The ANC government has approved only 11% of applications for COVID-19 relief funding for small, medium, and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs), according to the Department’s Progress Report on COVID-19 SMME Relief Funding, while a survey shows 68% of applications for funding were denied.
Despite promises of R 2 Billion in Emergency Funding, the ANC government has received 12,982 applications for SMME emergency funding, while only 1,501 (11%) have been approved according to the Rapport newspaper. Furthermore, according to a survey of 2,280 small business owners conducted by entrepreneur education platform Heavy Chef, 68% of respondents’ applications for relief funding were denied. Ramaphosa announced on 22 April that the R 2 Billion would be made availabl
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, thereby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fell
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Racist Black Police Officers Confiscate Food Parcels From White Families as More Incidents of Institutional Racist Abuse of Whites Come to Light in Lockdown SA!
Police Literally Stealing Food from the Mouths of Children! When racist black South African Police Officers invade the house of a destitute white family, to confiscate their food, one cannot help but think of the forced starvations in USSR like the Holodomor and Lenin’s genocide. After the shocking incidents of abusive treatment of minorities by black Police officers at Ballito and Dwarskersbos, even more shocking incidents have come to light in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, where three racist black Police officers invaded the home of a destitute white family at night and confiscated their food, which had been donated to them shortly before. The food parcel had to be delivered under cover of darkness because the Police don’t allow food donations direct to white people and will arrest people for donating to whites! The hungry grandchildren in the family, 5 and 12 years old, had to watch helplessly as the three black Police officers carried their food away!</p
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Transform or Starve! Racist Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane “Spreading Lies” as ConCourt Dismisses One Applicant in Action Against ANC’s Racebased Covid-19 Aid!
The embattled minister of Tourism, whose spokesperson infamously claimed struggling whites need to transform more to qualify for emergency COVID-19 aid, has completely misunderstood the Concourt dismissing one applicant and has prematurely claimed victory, even though the court has not yet considered the matter, never mind issue a judgement! As a result the remaining applicant, AfriForum, has accused Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, of spreading lies and fake news by announcing in a media statement that the Constitutional Court had dismissed AfriForum’s application for appeal.
According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, they are not mentioned as an applicant in the dismissal in the Solidarity case to which Kubayi-Ngubane refers and judgement has also not been
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Solidarity Trade Union & Afriforum Challenge Ramaphosa in Court to Stop Being Racist About Covid-19 Relief for Businesses!
Solidarity has directly challenged Ramaphosa to drop the racial BBBEE criteria for COVID-19 assistance to businesses in a letter sent on Saturday, to intervene in the Department of Tourism’s decision, to only give assistance to people who qualify under the ANC’s race based BBBEE policy for COVID-19 relief.
The Department of Tourism has made R200 Million available to small and medium sized businesses in the tourism industry, as a relief fund during the COVID-19 lockdown period. These include all businesses in the sector like guest houses, but the minister of Tourism has said that this assistance will only go to people who qualify under BEE and “economic transformation”, which is the ANC’s code for black people only.
Solidarity and Afriforum will be in court on Tuesday to challenge the decision. They have now asked Ramaphosa to rather intervene to make sure that assistance can go to everyone, irrespective of race. If the mat
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ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?
#CCPvirus: South African farmers are now at the mercy of barbaric livestock raiders, crop thieves, poachers and farm attackers while minister Bheki Cele, closely surrounded by his bodyguards, bans farm watch patrols by farmers themselves. Farmers across South Africa are reporting that livestock and crop raiders are slowly carrying their livestock and crops away whilst the same ANC regime, that demands that farmers feed the nation, fails to protect them, even preventing them from conducting patrols in groups to try to protect their property, crops and livestock.
The need for farm watch patrols is now more important than ever but the minister of Police, Bheki Cele, has now prohibited farm watch patrols as part of the government’s Chinese Corona virus lockdown regulations. Farmers, especially in the Free State, recently reported that their mealies are stolen off their lands and carried off in bags to the townships, to be sold and consumed. Now a gruesome v
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