Decolonizing Civilization: Sadly it is no longer news when two more white people are slain in violent black-on-white attacks, but one murder at a time, every day, our society and civilization is being deliberately deconstructed and “decolonized” through unchecked black-on-white murders, which have developed into ethnic cleansing of genocidal proportions, because the “authorities” are ignoring and even denying it! Two more white people have been brutally murdered in attacks by black gangs in South Africa, but these attacks are just daily trivia in liberal media, with no mention of the fact that these attacks can be seen as a slow genocide, because tens of thousands of white people have been murdered by black attackers in similar attacks since the ANC was given the country in 1994. But because these brutal black-on-white murders are spread out over time, the media mostly ignore it. The liberal media rather constantly occupy the collective min
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Savage Africa Deconstructs Our Society & Civilization as Black-on-White Murders Continue Unchecked During Lockdown!
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Viru
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Black Terrorists Heed Their Black Leaders Call to Attack, Murder, Torture, Plunder and Blame Whites!
The open warfare on Whites rages on unhindered in SA as black leaders, (and rich jewish kids), continue to stoke the flames of race hatred while pretending there is no link between their hate filled anti white rhetoric and the daily stream of attacks and murders. Terrorism by most definitions is “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” When we look at the words of the leaders, who say no peace until all blacks have land, and the acts of their followers, is this not what we are witnessing? Why does no one ever ask what political party a farm murderer belongs to? Here are just a few examples of the daily attacks.
Yet another man was shot dead just for a TV and 2 cellphones, in an attack on a smallholding in Boschkop east of Pretoria. If a TV and 2 cellphones is “ordinary crime“, then these are not very clever criminals and they are not going to get
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Yet Another White Life Taken Just For a Phone as 70 Year Old Charles van Heerden Shot by Four Black Males in Moseley, Durban!
The plunder and fatal fleecing continues as another life is taken for a phone – Charles van Heerden (70) who was wounded in a house robbery in Durban on Tuesday, has died from his wounds. One 70 year old man versus FOUR armed cowardly black males…
Charles van Heerden (70) was shot in his lower body and his loyal dog Hunter was also shot when 4 black male killers entered his house in Moseley, Durban through the front door on Tuesday evening. Mr Van Heerden’s dog Hunter tried to protect his owner and attacked the intruders but was then shot by the intruders.
Van Heerden’s wife Hettie was present in the house at the time but thankfully not injured. Van Heerden was admitted in a local hospital and his dog in a local veterinary hospital. It was reported that Mr Van Heerden passed away on Friday 31 January 2020 due to complications stemming from the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
No arrest have been made and sadly it is just ano
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Farm attack: House robbery, attempted murder, Waterpoort – 2020 not yet in full swing but white South-Africans are already being slaughtered and attacked by brutal savages
A farm attack took place on the morning of 7 January 2020, in Waterpoort, Limpopo province of South Africa. A contractor on the farm Roux & Roos was wounded during the armed attack and was admitted for medical treatment. A Cruiser was also robbed. Waterpoort Reaction Group, Waterpoort Saps and Makhado K9, with the assistance of a private helicopter the tracks of the attackers were followed.
Alldays Reaction Team also assisted with all other Farmwatch members and trackers working on the farm as well as farmworkers from surrounding farms.
This was an extremely successful operation where Rural Safety Structures together with Saps proved that when there is co-operation, criminals will face justice. Two of the attackers were arrested, SAPS are still following up on suspect number three. Investigation by Saps is still continuing .
There is no other information available at this stage.
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Malema is unmasked as a complete liar after video leak where he assaults police officer
Julius Malema was caught with a video recording that he lied about his involvement with a police officer’s altercation during a Mandela funeral.
The Red Brigade leader said he had a fight with the officer, and he and his party’s spokesman, one Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, did not contact the police officer.
Now the leader and his accomplice are in greater trouble because he lied because the video footage clearly shows how the two rebels physically attacked the police officer in April last year.
Malema told the media there was no truth in the allegation that the officer had been attacked, but was probably unaware that the incident was captured on video.
It is considered a very serious crime to physically oppose a police officer, and the suspicion exists that it could be another serious case in court.
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Stolen vehicle found full of explosives after farm attack – suspicion exists that attackers may want to use it to commit other crimes
The AfriForum neighborhood watch in Wit Rivier, in collaboration with the SAPS today, found a Toyota Fortuner that was used during a farm attack.
Wit rivier – According to Hennie Bekker, the district coordinator of Lowveld AfriForum, a farmer was checking the border fences on his farm when he was robbed.
An unknown number of suspects jumped from another vehicle, arrested the farmer and then drove off with his vehicle. The farmer was left unharmed in the attack that took place at around 10pm last night.
The White River neighborhood watch was notified of the attack and robbery on Sunday evening just before midnight, and launched a search for the suspects who were allegedly armed.
Johan Pelser, the security chairman of AfriForum, confirms that neighborhood watch members spotted the silver Fortuner, without number plates, at a Total gas station in kaBokweni. Neighborhood watch members and the SAPS followed the vehicle and followed it to
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VIDEO: The MultiCulti Melting Pot Boils Over as Civil War Erupts in South Africa, Fueled by Open Borders – Globalism Kills…
WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT! The globalist melting pot of multiculturalism is boiling over in South Africa after having simmered for decades as anti mass immigration sentiment reaches boiling point in SA townships…
South Africa, the flagship nation of the Liberal World Order’s globalism project, has finally proven that multiculturalism does not work and never will. To make matters worse, it seems as if Africa’s eternal civil war, which has been fueled by globalism for decades has finally arrived in the southernmost tip of the Dark Continent.
When it comes to national or tribal rivalry, Africa does not mess around – life has no value…
Black South Africans are shooting at foreign trucks on the roads. Foreign trucks are stoned, pulled over, set alight or bribed…
Foreign truck drivers are inflaming the situation with equally aggressive and threatening rhetoric…
<a href="https://youtu.b
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Unprovoked Assault in Spar at Schweizer – Time To Boycott Retail Stores That Don’t Guarantee Shopper’s Safety?
#BlackPrivilege If someone is in your way, you say “excuse me please”. This attacker was arrested and the victim did lay a charge.
If retail outlets are not willing to guarantee the safety of shoppers, why should we frequent their stores? Boycott them.
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Video: No Hope Jo’Anna: JHB Becomes Warzone As Protesters Attack SAPS & Sends Them Packing With Stones!
Sorry Eddy Grant, Jo’Anna still has no hope even though “your side” was given JHB, for free, and has run Joburg for quarter of a century now… Will the ANC regime also have to send their joke of an army into JHB like they did in the Cape Flats?
Johannesburg had some Deja Vu Thursday when protesters turned the streets of JHB into a warzone.
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‘Just Kill Him, Brother’: A Widow’s Harrowing Story Of South African ‘Farm Attacks’ The Mainstream Media Dismisses
Mariandra Heunis and her children are the survivors of a vicious, dead-of-night attack on her family. Her husband — her childrens’ father — is not. He was killed in their home outside Pretoria, South Africa, in what has come to be called a “farm attack — the targeted terrorizing of farmers in a country with a long history of strife over race and land.
Mariandra, her husband, and their three little girls were asleep when the two armed attackers came. She was eight months pregnant with a son Johann Heunis would never meet — Mariandra gave birth just five days after she buried him.
“You hear about these horrific stories and you really hope it never happens to you,” Mariandra told the Daily Caller. “And somehow you never expect it to happen to you. Until it does.”
While the South African government denies the problem, and news sites such as BBC and The Washington Post raced to debunk farm attacks after President Donald Trump twee
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“Murder gang” arrested near Free State farm – two among them were former police officers – They did not come to rob, they were armed too heavily
They not only came to rob, they were too heavily armed, ”said Riaan Corbett, Free State Agriculture (US) security representative in Fouriesburg.
Five men, including two former Ficksburg police officers, armed with a R1 and a Norinco pistol, were arrested on Wednesday, allegedly on their way to attacking a couple in the district.
The men carried 15 bullets with them for the R1 and 7 for the pistol.
Sgt. Police spokesperson Fikiswa Matoti said police’s K9 unit and public order unit in Bethlehem received information from the Crime Intelligence Unit that the gang was planning to strike at a farm in the Fouriesburg area on Wednesday.
The attack was planned for about 10:00, according to information.
An action was organized by police and local security structures and vehicle routes closed early in the morning.
The police noticed a car suspiciously at about 07:00 and the driver was ordered to stop.
Matoti said there w
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