Had it not been for a pothole, caused by ANC neglect, incompetence and plunder, Mr Lomon Terreblanche (58), a well-known farmer from Edenville in the Free State, would still be alive, as would Waldo Ferreira (25), and 2 other young people, all killed on the same day, by ANC’s potholes! One by one, day by day, the Socialist ANC is calculatingly exposing us to harm, egging criminals on to attack, rob and kill white people with anti-white hate speech and lenient sentencing. Their ethnic cleansing campaign, deliberate or not, is being perpetuated in many different ways, which over time means a chilling number of our people are sent to EARLY, unnecessary deaths. From economic warfare which makes us more vulnerable, to systemic and institutional neglect and prejudice in hospitals and state services like police, ESKOM, Home Affairs, municipal services, etc. the only conclusion is that a slow war of attrition is being waged against the white min
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Potholes, The International Symbol of Socialism, Also Kill Innocent Citizens! The ANC’s Deliberate, Malevolent Negligence & Incompetence Keeps on Killing…
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Video: “Whites Must Denounce Themselves!” – Biden Fights Racism & Lawlessness with Racism & Lawlessness!
Genocidal Joe Biden said “America will be minority white, that’s a good thing.” The Texas Attorney General who has just won a lawsuit against Biden’s plan to freeze deportation of migrant criminals, has called Biden’s actions a “Seditious Left Wing Insurrection!” This was confirmed by The Times columnist Melanie Phillips, who said measures announced by Biden, via a flood of executive orders, introduce “injustice, racism and lawlessness” to the country.
Joe Biden, who criticized all Trump’s Executive Orders, has now hypocritically issued a whole raft of new executive orders himself, within his first week in office, with many of them reversing his predecessor, Donald Trump’s key policies.
Ms. Phillips said the orders introduced by Biden only hours after his inauguration, involve the “trashing of the rule of law and the concept of citizenship. Basically tell
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Video: “Whites Must Denounce Themselves!” – Biden Fights Racism & Lawlessness with Racism & Lawlessness!
Genocidal Joe Biden said “America will be minority white, that’s a good thing.” The Texas Attorney General who has just won a lawsuit against Biden’s plan to freeze deportation of migrant criminals, has called Biden’s actions a “Seditious Left Wing Insurrection!” This was confirmed by The Times columnist Melanie Phillips, who said measures announced by Biden, via a flood of executive orders, introduce “injustice, racism and lawlessness” to the country.
Joe Biden, who criticized all Trump’s Executive Orders, has now hypocritically issued a whole raft of new executive orders himself, within his first week in office, with many of them reversing his predecessor, Donald Trump’s key policies.
Ms. Phillips said the orders introduced by Biden only hours after his inauguration, involve the “trashing of the rule of law and the concept of citizenship. Basically tell
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VIDEO: Racism Schmacism – SA Tired of EFF Teletubbies’ Racebaiting & Black Supremacy! Leave Our Kids Alone!
Wanting a teacher chosen on the basis of the colour of their skin is classic textbook racism, yet that is what Julius Malema and EFF are demanding! So why does Marema use white lawyers?
Parents of kids at Brackenfell High defended their kids and clashed with EFF members who were “demonstrating” for a second time at the school today as the racebaiting by EFF continues.
Due to protesting at Brackenfell High school, the roads that were closed were Rogland St and Paradys St, Rogland St and Verwey St, Goede Hoop Ave and Michelle Cres and Sonnet Cres and Goede Hoop Ave.
If the video does not load above, watch it here: https://youtu.be/ZGkxZRPTL98
<img loading="lazy" class="size-medium wp-image-26029 aligncenter
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VIDEO: EFF is A Hate Filled Crime Syndicate Using “Racism” to Plunder, Vandalise, Extort & Bully White Businesses!
Two video clips received by SA-News show how the foul mouthed EFF thugs and officials use their black privilege to force themselves on any white business they choose, and demand people jump to their demands, just like little African tin pot dictators empowered by Western liberals. They are not even bothered anymore to hide behind the “socialist revolution” scam and are openly abusing whomever they choose.
In the first clip an aggressive EFF thug shouts “f*ck the police” at an off duty police officer in the shop countless times, echoing the antifa chant – is this where the EFF are heading? Wannabe Antifa in SA?
Worryingly he then also threatens that he will get “the guys to come vandalise the, shop and that there is nothing you can do about it!” He also tells the policeman to “stop your tendency“. What more proof do you need that it is not political, but revenge, hatred and
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Two Faced Ramaphosa Takes The Low Road of Handouts, Revenge & Flogs The Dead Apartheid Donkey Again, Despite 24 Times More Murders Under ANC Regime Than Apartheid!
Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right: Choosing the socialist road of enforcing dependency from handouts and victimhood, Ramaphosa, who became a Billionaire simply because he is black, has such a distorted world view, because his billions were just handed to him, he has no concept of what success or viability or sustainability or nationhood is. Like all Socialists, he seems to think the gravy train has no end and he can just keep punishing the hand that feeds him on the gravy train, whilst rewarding those who steal, plunder and vote for socialist grants. Ramaphosa has essentially admitted defeat when it comes to getting South Africa prosperous again, he appears to have no interest in that whatsoever.
Cyril Ramaphosa, seems to have changed direction and has moved on from blaming CCPvirus and has gone back to put the blame for South Africa’s imploding economy, before the outbreak of the CCP-virus, squarely on the shoulders of the usual suspect – ancient hi
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VIDEO: “Freedom for Some is Freedom for None” – So When Will Black South Africans Take Off Their BBBEE Nappy & Abolish Expropriation Without Compensation Too?
#FreedomDay When Will Black South Africans Take off Their BBBEE Nappy? When will black South Africans grow up and be free? In his usual racist Freedom Day rant, #RacistPhosa admitted just how far South Africa is from being a free country. In fact it begs the question: At what stage will black South Africans no longer be kept in a protected crib and artificially supported and sustained by racist ANC policies like BBBEE? No black person in SA can really feel sure that they actually achieved what they have by themselves.
“Freedom for Some is Freedom for None” says Ramaphosa on Freedom Day day as his government shuts out white people whose income was cut off by the official lockdown, from government relief assistance and aggressively pursues the policy of expropriating land from white people without compensation. Ramaphosa has held his official Human Rights day rant on Monday and stressed the fact that nobody will have rights if only some hav
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Transform or Starve! ANC Using COVID19 Aid to Blackmail Whites to Give Business to Blacks! COVID19: Turning Capitalism into Socialism!
Leninism comes to SA: The COVID19 crisis is not only making Black South africans realise that the ANC are the african version of champagne socialists, i.e. despots who make false promises and will let their own people starve, but it is also exposing the ANC’s overt racism. The ANC openly says they won’t assist white small business owners with emergency or taxpayer funds unless they “transform enough”!
A spokeswoman for the Department of Tourism has admitted that no government COVID19 assistance will be given to any white owner of a business in the tourism sector. The department made R200 Million available for small and medium sized businesses in the tourism sector so that they can apply for funds in the lockdown period. Businesses in the tourism sector like guesthouses and tour operators cannot make any money because of the lockdown regulations and the restriction of international flights.
The minister of Tourism, Mmamo
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SA Will End Far Worse Than Venezuela, Because… “Racism”! As Month Long Siege of Barberton Ends, Mainstream Media Continues to Hide ANC’s Socialist Power Grab!
POWER ALWAYS CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY, and in South Africa, it will be no different, it will be far worse, as there is no opposition, because… “racism“! The Liberal mass media blackout of anarchy in rural SA towns like Barberton, which has just been under siege for a month, continues. The silence in the liberal press is strange given their overwhelming endorsement of the forced merger of Barberton and Nelspruit municipalities 4 years ago, which has led to this prolonged unrest.
Barberton was left in chaos after black rioters put the town under siege for a month. The riots followed the enforced amalgamation of the Baberton and Nelspruit municipalities 4 years ago, because the Nelspruit municipality was bankrupt. Rioters were angry over what they said is bad service delivery (although they still voted ANC). The thinking at the time, heavily endorsed by liberal media, for various reasons, was that with one Municipality being bankrupt, and the other o
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Black Netball SA president faces complaint of racism after her remarks earlier this year at SA championships
Black Netball SA president faces complaint of racism after her remarks earlier this year at SA championships
The civil rights organization AfriForum instructed its legal team on Friday to lodge a complaint against Cecilia Molokwane, president of Netball South Africa (NSA).
In the complaint, NSA is requested to investigate the president after AfriForum received complaints that Molokwane allegedly misbehave and made racist remarks at the South African championship in August this year in Johannesburg.
AfriForum said in a media statement on Friday that it had delivered a lawyer’s letter from Daniël Eloff, on behalf of Hurter Spies Attorneys in Pretoria, to the NSA’s office in Arcadia, Pretoria, and sent an email to CEO Blanche de la Guerre .
AfriForum does not say in its media statement that it is acting on its behalf.
He claimed members of the public heard on August 1 at the time of the match on lane 1 between Northern C
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Double Standards: The K-WORD is worse than blowing up whites with limpet mines – legal system is not there to protect whites
Let’s spread as widely as possible and demand the arrest of the terrorist !!
It is clear that the legal system does not protect our whites. Poor Vicky Momberg is hunted like an animal for the K-word and was arrested again today for failing to comply with her parole conditions.
The EFF’s Secretary General Godrich Gardee, following Angus Buchan’s statement, said that only two peoples. the Jews and the Afrikaner people who made a covenant with God responded as follows:
“That stage needs some limpet mines bobytrapped arround it prior to that date…. & Let’s see what happens to the only people who have a covenant with God…. & I know this peasant religious fanatic is misrepresenting the Jewish nation… .he must be banned from our TV screens ”
If any white man made a similar threat, he was immediately arrested for terrorism.
How is it possible that the terrorist has not yet been charged?
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SAHRC taking Bok star Etzebeth to court over H-word racial slur – But it is OK to shout “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer”
On Wednesday, the commission said it would approach the Equality Court after receiving a complaint from some residents in Langebaan in the Western Cape
The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) is taking legal action against Springbok rugby player Eben Etzebeth for allegedly using a racial slur.
On Wednesday, the commission said it would approach the Equality Court after receiving a complaint from some residents in Langebaan in the Western Cape.
He’s accused of using a derogatory term allegedly during a row with one of the residents in the area in August.
There was an apparent scuffle between a group, including Etzebeth, and others.
The commission’s Chris Nissen said: “He allegedly used an H-word and that is what is before us at the Human Rights Commission. And that’s why we felt maybe the H-word is like the K-word and because [of that] we decided to take it to the Equality Court.”
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