Planning to fail: Having pocketed millions, if not billions, by plundering Eskom in all sorts of ways through a variety of tender companies and who knows what else, it seems Cyril and The ANC have finally realised the Medupi & Kusile projects have bled dry, and are now looking for new ways to employ (steal) taxpayers money, to continue bleeding them dry… yet another new huge expensive project with new tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. It is the same all over South Africa, build a new school, extort tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. Then burn it down and steal more from the taxpayer by building another school with more tenders, contracts, bribes and kickbacks. The African Way.
Greedy Ramaphosa Wants More From His & ANC’s Personal BEE Cash Cow, Eskom – He Finally Admits Medupi & Kusile Are Unreliable (Have Been Bled Dry) Even As The Blame Game Rages On…
Medupi and Kusile power stations are still “off the grid” due to poor construction work, corruption and cost overruns
More than 600 senior officials from Eskom and some executives were informed of the entity’s “turnaround” plan. According to documentation, Eskom is sitting without cash and has almost completely collapsed on several occasions.
R130bn has been loaned to the power provider and the state is expected to help as government announces increased tariffs. Eskom unbundling continues but will take four years to finalize. So the future is still bleak around the entity with its overloaded workforce and top structure officials.
In the last two years, Eskom reported a loss of R2.3 billion while R19.6 billion was wasted on unauthorized expenses.
In the meantime, Medupi and Kusile power stations are still “off the grid” due to poor construction work, corruption and cost overruns.
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Lie of Eskom continues – Consumers can prepare for many more days of #Rollingblackouts, and further deterioration of the economy, as each day’s load shedding causes the debt burden to rise by R2 billion
The lie of Eskom continues, and the 1,100 MW bought from Mozambique and now being unavailable is only the tip of the iceberg of tragedies.
Maintenance at the Eskom power stations has been taboo for years – it was always white people’s way of wasting money and labor, and the ANC regime, with its strange culture of so-called democracy’s true mess, is now breaking through to taxpayers.
The reality is that the three power stations, Drakensberg, Ingula and Palmiet, perform so poorly that they use more power on electricity than is produced.
The three power stations do not really make a contribution to the power grid, while they are supposed to deliver 2,700 MW together.
Consumers can prepare for many more days of load shedding, and the further deterioration of the economy, as each day’s load shedding increases the debt burden by R2 billion.
Meanwhile, billions of Rand have to be obtained to restore the two new pow
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ESKOM gives a US company a blank cheque, and they are cashing it in for a whooping R13bn
The US company that designed the extremely flawed Kusile Power Station in Mpumalanga was given a blank cheque by Eskom, which it cashed in to score R12 billion.
Despite the fact that the engineering consulting firm Black & Veatch, which is situated in Kansas in the US, delivered shoddy work that continues to hobble Kusile’s performance, two senior Eskom executives told City Press last week that the company is still being paid hundreds of millions of rands.
The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has launched an investigation into irregularities around the construction of the Kusile, Medupi and Ingula power stations, which cost a combined R342 billion.
A senior law enforcement official told City Press: “The second phase of the SIU’s investigation is looking at the performance of, and payments made to the value of more than R139 billion, 11 identified contractors appointed by Eskom in respect of [the] power stations”.
At the same
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During the ANC regime, roughly R500 billion has been looted by Eskom contractors, which partly explains why South Africa is in such a big financial mess – it is unsure if the culprits will be brought to justice
A Special Investigation Unit is currently investigation more than eleven contractors whom are suspected of robbing the power utility of billions of rand.
The contractors looted R130 billion from Eskom during the construction of the two new power stations, Medupi and Kusile as well as the Ingula power station.
From the so-called “inner circles” it is claimed that plundering at Eskom has been taken place since 2005, which partly explains why South Africa has ended up in a financial mess.
A spokesman said Eskom had been robbed of R170bn, of which R130bn was directly related to so-called contractors working at the different power plants.
Investigation is now being done to determine who has committed theft, and who worked within Eskom to benefit the thieves.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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South Africans should brace for more rolling blackouts as the power grid is unstable and cannot produce enough power to sustain the country
Eskom warned of wider controlled power cuts on Monday after six additional generating units unexpectedly went offline. The power utility launched stage 4 load shedding, which requires the shedding of 4 000 megawatts from the grid.
The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry is shocked by the sudden dramatic increase in load shedding.
“How is it possible for six units to go down at the same time?” asked Ms Janine Myburgh, President of the Chamber. “It is just too much of a co-incidence and we must ask if this is not another case of sabotage?”
Sabotage was blamed for a previous bout of load shedding, but the form it took was never explained to the public, except for workers who prevented coal deliveries from taking place.
“Stage Four load shedding is very serious indeed and it will affect commerce and industry. This will also affect the jobs of other workers, especially in heavy industry and it is time that workers whose jobs are at
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There you have it! – Chinese Bank Takes Absolute Control Over All Eskom Power Stations In South Africa If Default In Payment Plan Transpires
In another huge loan of 33.4 billion rand the Chinese Exim Bank (Export-Import Bank of China) will take over the Eskom Facility Plant in South Africa. This was announced by a recent tweet from Exim Bank.
Eskom is a South African electricity public utility, established in 1923 as the Electricity Supply Commission. Eskom operates a number of notable power stations, including Kendal Power Station, and Koeberg nuclear power station in the Western Cape Province, the only nuclear power plant in Africa.
Eskom generates 95% of electricity in South Africa and has the only nuclear power station in Africa.
<img class="aligncenter wp-image-16730 size-full" src="" alt="Can this actually be true?: Chinese Bank Takes Absolute Control Over All Eskom Power Stations In South Africa" width="960" height="679" srcset="
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This is what happens when BEE contractors are prefer over skilled labour!: Medupi and Kusile- The two new coal-fired power stations’ “error” repair costs already amount to R2 billion.
According to observers, the repair costs of errors at the Medupi and Kusile coal-powered power stations are already nearing R2 billion.
This puts the expected start up costs at R292 billion, which is twice the initial estimated cost. The device that grinds the coal, the furnaces and other systems at both plants does not function properly and is attributed to poor craftsmanship.
The two plants were erected by people who had never undertaken such an assembly project, and took it much longer to complete than initially calculated.
Photo – Medupi
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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Uncovering the Truth – That’s why Eskom is employing loadshedding and Jan van Riebeeck’s nor apartheid can be blamed for the failed state entity
An anonymous engineer at Eskom revealed on social media the problems and forecasting of the failed state entity.
50% of coal power stations are out of order and will only be operational again in three years time.
Four of the six turbines at one power station have “broke down” due to poor grade coal (supplied by Gupta’s).
No or little maintenance has been done in the past four years.
All this said, loadshedding will be our forecast in January, and this will make the fierce economy even more damaging and more bankrupt.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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This is totally unbelievable!– Units at all twelve of Eskom’s oldest power stations have ceased functioning – Can it get any worse?
Units at all twelve of Eskom’s oldest power stations have ceased functioning, which means that more than 17,000 MW’s are loss. It is even more than 15,000 MW in 2015 when load shedding was introduced and lasted for months.
Medupi and Kusile design problems alone will cost R345 billion to restore, and Eskom does not have the ability to pay it.
Eskom has, in the meanwhile, calculated that the problems will only be sorted out by 2021, but experts believe that the power provider’s bad financial position is going to slow down the poor and irregular power supply even more.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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