It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
VIDEO: “Farm Murderers Paid by ANC & EFF To Kill” Says Zimbabwean Truck Driver in SA, on His Way To Canada!
A sound recording received by SA-News, which cannot be verified, but sounds authentic given the background noise, portrays an interview with a Zimbabwean truck driver in South Africa, who has somehow managed to arrange to go to Canada in November. He claims that farm murderers are locals and foreigners, that are paid by both the ANC and EFF, using taxpayers money! He says ANC and Ramaphosa are trying to play a smart game.
He claims blacks do not care about food security but get paid a lot of money to do the murders. He also says South African blacks are not learning the lesson from Zimbabwe’s mistakes.
The soundtrack is played over a slideshow of some of the farm attacks and murders in the last few weeks.
The second part of the video portrays a couple who were victims of a farm attack in Petrusburg in the Free-state, showing them being treated by the Emergency medical crew preparing to take them to hospital.
But according to Ramapho
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#MilitantMigrants Are Deliberately Turning Cape Town’s CBD into a Sh*thole as Blackmail in Hope of Being Sent To Canada! Leader Faces 8 Assault Charges!
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Anti-mass immigration violence is raging in SA despite the ANC president’s declaration that action will be taken on offenders
Violence against foreigners escalated this past weekend amid the ANC president’s statement that action will be taken against the perpetrators.
Even more businesses were targeted over the weekend and police rubber bullets and grenades could not stop the angry residents from continuing with their looting.
Police have confirmed that a renewed wave of xenophobia has erupted, and many foreigners’ shops and property have been looted and stripped of their goods.
Meanwhile, the Nigerian government is considering retaliation by nationalizing the larger businesses there. Institutions such as MTN and Shoprite could possibly be in the running.
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Anti-mass immigration violence forces Nigeria to nationalize some of its SA businesses such as Shoprite and MTN
The xenophobic attacks in Gauteng on foreigners, and the looting of their businesses have now taken on an international turn.
Nigeria is considering nationalizing businesses such as Shoprite and MTN.
In its latest report, Bloomberg pointed out the rough times that might await South Africa if the most popular businesses, such as MTN, might be nationalized.
The Nigerian “All Progressive Congress Party” chairman said in a video recording also broadcast on the radio and TV channels that it would be advantageous for Nigeria to nationalize thriving South African businesses because of their insensitive actions against Nigerian businessmen .
The focus is clearly on MTN, which has a profitable industry in Nigeria, and that may even include Shoprite’s stores.
MTN has invested millions of Rand in the West African state, and is now becoming the first possibility of nationalization.
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Rising anti-mass immigration violence in Gauteng calls on political leaders to ask for military assistance to bring violence under-control – They speak out against attacks on foreigners but remain silent on farm murders
Gauteng political leaders are considering calling on the military to stop vandalism and looting in the province.
According to Gauteng Prime Minister David Makhura, criminal elements are responsible for looting shops and have been warned that the military may be called in to address the problem.
This follows after Ramaphosa requested police to bring the gunmen under control. He spoke out against attacks on foreigners but remained silent, among other things, on the farm murders.
The looters have already plundered, or burned down, many stores of foreigners in Pretoria and Johannesburg, and even children have stolen the stores without anyone being prosecuted.
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Cyril remains silent as SA burns to the ground
While the unrest in the Western Cape has forced the government to deploy the unarmed soldiers of the Defense Force in the hope that the violence will stop, it is Gauteng who is leaving the area in chaos with just as much force.
The gang violence in the Western Cape has already claimed the lives of many people in recent weeks, and now the north of SA also has a violent crowd that burns shops and houses at a faster rate than the ANC can erect new buildings.
More than 20 foreign-owned stores went up in flames, but not before the looters and their children stole the usable goods.
With all this, and much more violence elsewhere, the ANC’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is silent and frightens Africa so much that they are now boycotting the World Meeting in Cape Town.
Ramaphosa doesn’t say a single word about it either.
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Typical African ignorance – SA President, Cyril Ramaphosa went totally whacko – declared that white people stole land from blacks during Jan van Riebeeck’s period
During a land-claims ceremony where two families’ land was given back to them, the president of the country again fell into typical African ignorance.
According to Ramaphosa, foreigners (whites), where received with open arms when they arrived in South Africa.
The Whites were provided with food, friendship and land but it was apparently not enough. Then, according to Ramaphosa, the Whites came to steal the blacks’ land.
Who was in the Cape in 1652 on Jan van Riebeeck’s arrival?
Who killed the Boers on the eastern border? Who attacked the boere trekkers at Bloed Rivier? Who are currently murdering the Afrikaner farmers on their farms? Observers consider lies as deceptions, whether the ANC president makes these falsehood overseas or anywhere, his credibility goes down by the day.
Meanwhile, FF Plus leader Pieter Groenewald says if land was stolen, those people must be prosecuted.
The Freedom Front Plus (FF P
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HOP houses occupied and owned illegally by foreigners are reclaimed, how did they receive it in the first place?
The Johannesburg Department of Human Settlements has announced that HOP houses will be taken back by foreigners in Alexandri.
The foreigners claim they bought the houses but the department says that the houses are not earmarked for foreigners.
Whoever sold the houses to them is not clear, but in terms of legislation, a property is first the buyer’s possession when registered on his behalf.
Real estate sales should also not be allowed to foreigners who do not have citizenship in South Africa.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news
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