Controversial ‘Land or Death’ party BLF, finally deregistered as political party

Farm Owners are not taking any nonsense anymore:- 16 farm owners have applied for interdicts against BLF land invasions

Illegal BLF land invasions – 16 farm owners have applied for interdicts to stop the party from occupying farm land

We can expect some ‘rumble in the Government jungle’ with people that want to ‘disrupt’ the ‘Circus programs’ in Parliament, that will be EFF MP vs. BLF (video)

Not that we care at all what Mandela’s great-grandson is doing, but he voted for the BLF because he doesn’t like whites, well the feeling is mutual

BLF found guilty of hate speech, criminal charges may follow – But they are not going to remove the slogan and  not going to apologize either

Ooo please Andile Mngxitama (BLF) your mouth need some pepper, your treats will not go unpunished, that is a promise (video)

Ramaphosa creates the impression that racism is only a white problem

More rubbish and lies from Ramaphosa: Cyril, blames BLACK THREATS on White people

Disgusting is not a proper word! BLF Leader, Andile, Celebrates The Farm Murder Of 2 Elderly Couple Shot While Sleeping

Terror Lekota went to the Brooklyn Police Station in Pretoria to lay criminal charges against attacks on Whites

The DA report BLF group to Human Rights Commission for “kill whites” comments