Ramaphosa tries to charm whites – admits that the ANC has moved away from a non-racial character and has neglected the Afrikaans language

Botswana forbids wife of Jeff Radebe, Ramaphosa’s sister-in-law to enter the country without a visa

Leftish publication that has been supporting DA for many years has changed its mind and now stands behind ANC – Believes that Ramaphosa will save the legacy of the terrorist Mandela

TAU SA not impressed with Ramaphosa’s plea to white youths to stay in the country – he only delivers talks adapted to the audience he is talking to

South Africa’s Economic and Social Decline As Bad as A Country At War, But it’s Not At War, is it?

Ramaphosa administration is set to splash out R750 million on renovating minister’s homes and other government buildings at a time when the country’s tax-collection revenue is on the decline

More than 22 ANC candidates are not eligible to stand in election, Ramaphosa does not oppose them for fear that his comrades will turn against him as president of the ANC

Ramaphosa tells farmers ‘Don’t fear reform process’, do you remember the history of Piet Retief and Dingaan, and poor Jan gets the blame too.

ANC will do anything to cling on to power! Ramaphosa’s ANC intent on burning the country to the ground as they lose the support of SA

Cyril Ramaphosa (wolf in sheep clothing) urges young white people to stay in SA, for what, to be murdered, tortured, humiliated and not finding a job, and the list is growing

Ramaphosa may head to the Zondo commission ‘hot seat’ to testify, will he pitch or hide, maybe his skeletons will come out the wardrobe

Jacob ‘shower-head’ Zuma could face US investigation over $30 million deal with Gaddafi, you can run but you can’t hide