Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), an innocent South African who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
Young South African Girl Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
Black Townships are No-Go Zones for Whites! Kind-hearted White Grandma (64) Bludgeoned to Death in Dewetsdorp Township!
A week ago, Postmasburg‘s white milkman, Andries de Klerk (57), was stoned to death in the black township of Postmasburg while delivering milk there, and now a 64-year-old generous grandmother from Dewetsdorp in the Free State, has been cruelly beaten to death with “a blunt object,” as if she were a seal, during a vehicle hijacking while generously transporting a TV set to a resident in the township.
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Billionaire Ramaphosa Says SA Economy is Racist? He’s Right! BBBEE Makes it Structurally & Institutionally Racist!
Cyril Ramaphosa who became a Quadruple Billionaire by racebaiting, wants more, and has now racebaited the entire South African economy, by calling it racist and colonial, and has said the lockdown affords the perfect opportunity to “restructure” it. Is even MORE BBBEE possible, or is it concentration camps for whites now? The High Court however has put a spanner in the ANC’s works and declared the Level 3 and 4 lockdown regulations invalid! The person who seems to be really in charge at the moment, the lockdown Regulation Queen, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ), otherwise known as Dr. Twak, has also made the same kind of comments about restructuring the economy, but to get rid of Cyril’s benefactors, the WMC.
While it may appear on the face of it to be
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VIDEO: “Freedom for Some is Freedom for None” – So When Will Black South Africans Take Off Their BBBEE Nappy & Abolish Expropriation Without Compensation Too?
#FreedomDay When Will Black South Africans Take off Their BBBEE Nappy? When will black South Africans grow up and be free? In his usual racist Freedom Day rant, #RacistPhosa admitted just how far South Africa is from being a free country. In fact it begs the question: At what stage will black South Africans no longer be kept in a protected crib and artificially supported and sustained by racist ANC policies like BBBEE? No black person in SA can really feel sure that they actually achieved what they have by themselves.
“Freedom for Some is Freedom for None” says Ramaphosa on Freedom Day day as his government shuts out white people whose income was cut off by the official lockdown, from government relief assistance and aggressively pursues the policy of expropriating land from white people without compensation. Ramaphosa has held his official Human Rights day rant on Monday and stressed the fact that nobody will have rights if only some hav
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Transform or Starve! ANC Using COVID19 Aid to Blackmail Whites to Give Business to Blacks! COVID19: Turning Capitalism into Socialism!
Leninism comes to SA: The COVID19 crisis is not only making Black South africans realise that the ANC are the african version of champagne socialists, i.e. despots who make false promises and will let their own people starve, but it is also exposing the ANC’s overt racism. The ANC openly says they won’t assist white small business owners with emergency or taxpayer funds unless they “transform enough”!
A spokeswoman for the Department of Tourism has admitted that no government COVID19 assistance will be given to any white owner of a business in the tourism sector. The department made R200 Million available for small and medium sized businesses in the tourism sector so that they can apply for funds in the lockdown period. Businesses in the tourism sector like guesthouses and tour operators cannot make any money because of the lockdown regulations and the restriction of international flights.
The minister of Tourism, Mmamo
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Rupert & Oppenheimer Give R1 Billion Each to Fight CoronaVirus – Why Aren’t Super Rich BEE Enabled Black Businessmen Giving Too?
THE GRAVE COST TO THE ECONOMY – It seems the white industrialists are aware how Corona will affect their own bottom line, and have stepped up to the plate to protect their consumer driven interests (and get a tax break), but why have the many super rich black businessmen created by BEE & corruption not done the same? Or super rich trade unions like COSATU? Does the economy not affect them? No, their profit is not based on sales and consumers, it comes from BBEEE & Government grants, tenders and corruption, so as long as the ANC is in power, their taxpayer powered gravy train steams on, and the CoronaVirus will just be another money stealing opportunity, with the begging bowl to the West, who they hate so much.
The Chinese Corona virus is undoubtedly a grave crisis facing us and if allowed to spread into the winter, it will lead to untold suffering and millions becoming sick and thousands dying. The Rupert and Oppenheimer families have shown th
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Deliberate Losses: Affirmative Action & BEE, A Scam That Bankrupted an Entire Country & ALL its State Owned Enterprises! Allowed To Steal Tons of Cash Just For Being Black, Not For Adding Any Value!
Never before has there been as big a fraud perpetrated upon hardworking taxpayers than that which the majority black population has perpetrated upon South Africa. Imagine you know someone high up at a state owned utility, and because you are black, (and probably an ANC member too), you can add a 10% markup to the SOE’s services or product price and then have that 10% paid into your bank account. You then sit back and the money rolls in. By selling your blackness, to the utility to give it affirmative action credibility, you become a billionaire… you don’t work, you just steal.
This nationwide fraud is institutional, structural and even official and is akin to legalised plunder! Like making something legal that was previously illegal, like marijuana was, defrauding the state has become legal in ALL its departments and State Owned Enterprises. It has become the norm, not the exception. Despite the fact that last year Cyril Ramaphosa, pirate in chief,
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A New Year & A New Decade: More Communist Self Enrichment, Globalist Destruction of Identity & The African Way. You AiNtCeen Nothing Yet!
At the time of year that most people in South Africa break away for a holiday, (the lucky ones that is), or relax at home, it has unfortunately become necessary to burst a few bubbles and challenge the mainstream narrative. South Africa is teetering on the brink and staring into the abyss as it stumbles into oblivion in the new year and a new decade. Just how bad it will be will become clear soon enough. Let those with ears listen…
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Greedy Ramaphosa Wants More From His & ANC’s Personal BEE Cash Cow, Eskom – He Finally Admits Medupi & Kusile Are Unreliable (Have Been Bled Dry) Even As The Blame Game Rages On…
Planning to fail: Having pocketed millions, if not billions, by plundering Eskom in all sorts of ways through a variety of tender companies and who knows what else, it seems Cyril and The ANC have finally realised the Medupi & Kusile projects have bled dry, and are now looking for new ways to employ (steal) taxpayers money, to continue bleeding them dry… yet another new huge expensive project with new tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. It is the same all over South Africa, build a new school, extort tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. Then burn it down and steal more from the taxpayer by building another school with more tenders, contracts, bribes and kickbacks. The African Way.
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BEE has de-industrialised SA, pushed it backwards in time – The oppressed has become the oppressor, and technological advancement is no longer possible as we enter the New Sanitation Dark Age
Zimbabwe had land expropriation as the spark that caused its economy to implode. South Africa has a slower, but equally insidious, government policy that is pushing it backwards in time: Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).
This warped system has enabled corrupt individuals to benefit personally from contracts as the country’s key services have steadily eroded. While BEE provided the mechanisms for state capture, the SA-specific term for wide-scale graft, it has also facilitated the spread of parasites that have, and continue to, suck the life-blood out of the country. This is the assessment of environmental expert Professor Anthony Turton, who warned some years back that Eskom was in critical condition – but no-one was listening. Now raw sewage flows in many streets and the electricity is turned off for hours on end, in what looks like a return of sorts to the dark ages, he points out. Turton’s article, republished here with kind permission of the Daily
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BEE now a must for real estate – No BEE certificate no fidelity fund certificate!
In terms of the Real Estate Practice Act, Black economic empowerment (BEE) participation will soon be an obligation in the real estate industry.
Piet Le Roux, CEO of the business organization Sakeliga, is not in favor of the new legislation. He explains that those who previously met the necessary requirements could act as real estate professionals but with the new developments they will now have to have a BEE certificate as a prerequisite.
Le Roux believes that disguising participation in BEE processes as a professional requirement is blatantly harmful, unconstitutional and unfair. He points out that this is unacceptable political interference with the freedom of the industry and the prosperity of the industry for clients as well as the economy.
The new legislation provides that the Real Estate Practices Regulatory Authority may not issue a Fidelity Fund Certificate to any person who does not have a valid BEE certificate. No person may, therefor
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ANC government focused on looting and not maintenance of infrastructure- over a period of 25 years they repeatedly showed that they are was unable to manage or govern
The ANC government’s focus so far has been mainly on the looting of the fiscus and not on the maintenance of the country’s infrastructure and other state assets.
Proper infrastructure is the lifeblood of the economy and ensures that residents have access to roads, bridges, schools, water and many other services. Without proper infrastructure maintenance, no country can survive economically. No international investor will come to invest money in South Africa while infrastructure is not being renovated and maintained
In South Africa, the onus is on the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure to do this maintenance. Not only is the department the custodian and manager of the state’s real estate assets, but also the creator and maintainer of South Africa’s infrastructure
However, this does not happen and just like the government, this department failed the people of South Africa. The focus was mainly on looting and the
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