Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), an innocent South African who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
Young South African Girl Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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NO EXCUSES! Old Couple Tortured & Burnt Alive in Bapsfontein! DA Blames Police for Ignoring Rural Safety
A SOCIETY IS JUDGED BY HOW IT TREATS IT’S OLD PEOPLE. SOUTH AFRICA HAS FAILED HORRIBLY! An old, frail, harmless couple, Tannie Duifie Oosthuizen (84) and her life partner Oom Tas (86), were ambushed outside their home on their smallholding, beaten, tortured, forced into the house and burned alive! What sort of demon would do this, and why is this not reported on any mainstream news channel? Why are the Police ignoring rural safety or is it simply the case that if it cannot be seen (in mainstream media), it does not exist?
An elderly couple, Tannie Duifie Oosthuizen (84) and her life partner Oom Tas (86), were attacked on Friday evening outside their house on their smallholding at Cilvale, Welbekend area, in Bapsfontein, Gauteng. Their charred bodies now have to be identified using DNA technology because their bodies have been burnt beyond recognition.
At this point it is suspected the couple was attacked outside the house because a lot
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Black Gunman on Mass Shooting Spree, Kills and Injures Several White Men in Vanderbiljpark Before Committing Suicide!
Has the ANC and Mainstream Media’s constant 24/7 institutional anti-white rhetoric finally driven normal black people to start indiscriminately slaughtering white people? What are the chances that in a country where less than one in 10 people are white, that ALL his victims where white? The identity of the mass murderer, who went on a shooting rampage on Tuesday 2 February, 2021 in Vanderbiljpark, randomly killing and seriously injuring several white people has been revealed. Let us see how much effort, if any, mainstream media puts into looking up the mass murderer’s political affiliations and social media activity… crickets?
The shooting appeared and is being reported in mainstream media as totally random, except for the fact that the man only targeted people if they were white. While it it is not known at this stage what triggered the man, before he went on an evil killing spree, before committing suicide at a filling station in
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RSG Radio Presenter Johan Rademan Ducks and Dives From Hit & Run Accusations by 10 Year Old Girl
Neighbours of Johan Rademan, a presenter at the SABC Afrikaans radio station Radio Without Borders (RSG), allege that he bumped children in the street near to where he lives in Durbanville, but did not stop, then pulled the vehicle into his yard and threw a disappearing act.
The hit-and-run accident where a child was injured happened last Wednesday 27 January. According to an eye witness, 3 children were standing in the road when one of the children was hit by a white Toyota RAV4. According to an eye witness, who saw where the vehicle pulled in, the RAV4 was driven by a white male in his 50’s.
The 10 year old Melandi Breet flew through the air from the impact and landed on the tar. She hurt her ankle, her elbows and knees were bloodied and she broke a front tooth. Another girl who is the daughter of Rademan’s direct neighbour was also slightly hit by the RAV4.
Melandi’s father Dawid Breet was called and after he made sure Melan
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86 Year Old Johanna Rossouw Tortured & Stabbed 30 Times! Murdered for a Phone! IGNORES it!
THERE IS NO EXCUSE! This crime is inexcusable no matter your political affiliation, but not reporting on it is just as damning!, arguably one of the top news resources in South Africa, failed to even cover the horrendous murder of the 86 year old grandmother Johanna Rossouw, who was found brutally murdered in the Edenpark Retirement Village in Witbank, Mpumalanga, on Sunday 31 January 2021. The mother of 4 was found dead in her home in Fuchsia street, with multiple stab wounds in her back and neck. It is clear this defenseless frail old woman was also tortured before she was violently murdered. Her hands were tied behind her back. A rag was also placed in her mouth by her attacker and soap was thrown over her face.
Only her cellphone and car was missing, but the car was found abandoned in a ditch in Krugersdorp on Monday morning, with the keys still in the ignition, so it was merely a getaway car, making
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Savage Africa Deconstructs Our Society & Civilization as Black-on-White Murders Continue Unchecked During Lockdown!
Decolonizing Civilization: Sadly it is no longer news when two more white people are slain in violent black-on-white attacks, but one murder at a time, every day, our society and civilization is being deliberately deconstructed and “decolonized” through unchecked black-on-white murders, which have developed into ethnic cleansing of genocidal proportions, because the “authorities” are ignoring and even denying it! Two more white people have been brutally murdered in attacks by black gangs in South Africa, but these attacks are just daily trivia in liberal media, with no mention of the fact that these attacks can be seen as a slow genocide, because tens of thousands of white people have been murdered by black attackers in similar attacks since the ANC was given the country in 1994. But because these brutal black-on-white murders are spread out over time, the media mostly ignore it. The liberal media rather constantly occupy the collective min
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Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?
“It’s only fine when we do it” – Biden and every Democrat called Trump a racist when he banned travel from Africa, now Biden is doing the exact same thing, even after Trump lifted the ban! We have to wonder though, does Biden’s intense hatred for Afrikaners have anything to do with it?
What makes it worse, crazed Biden is opening up the Southern Border for travel from South America, where thousands of illegals are converging, which will no doubt cause a Covid nightmare…
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Video: Ramaphosa the Black Supremacist, has NOTHING to Teach USA About Democracy! White South Africans Do!
Nice Guys Finish Last: Ramaphosa seems to love to preach from his high and mighty podium of self righteousness and black privilege, and now he has even claimed he can teach the mighty USA a thing or two about democracy? This is the man who claimed Covid19 knows no colour, then proceeded to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency relief? The man who wants to expropriate all white owned land with no compensation? Is that what Ramaphosa wants to teach USA? How to be a supremacist and a racist yet still look like the good guy by owning and controlling the media?
If anything Ramaphosa should be given the same character assassination treatment that the media and left have dished out to Trump 24/7 for four years! People like the mixed race supremacist Trevor Noah, who has become so rich out of racebaiting and Trump bashing, he has bought a mansion for 27 Million dollars! Four years of character assassination, insults and slander
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VIDEO: Scientists Are Concerned New Covid19 Vaccines Might Not Work Against New South African Mutation of Covid19!
Scientists in UK and health officials are extremely worried that a new, highly infectious strain of the coronavirus discovered in South Africa may be resistant to the current generation of vaccines.
Professor John Bell, Regius Chair of Medicine at the University of Oxford, who helped develop one of the leading vaccines against the disease, said he is more concerned about the South African mutation than the widely feared strain that emanated from Kent in the UK and triggered major travel restrictions around the globe.
“The mutations associated with the South African form are really pretty substantial changes in the structure of the protein,” Bell told Times Radio. “My gut feeling is the vaccine will be still effective against the Kent strain. I don’t know about the South African strain – there’s a big question mark about that.”
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5 Brutal Murders in 3 Farm Attacks in The Week The Battle of Blood River Vow is Commemorated!
A Hundred and Eighty Two Years after the Famous Battle of Blood River, African savages are still determined to murder us and steal anything they can, even though we gave an entire first world country to them! What more do they want? What a tragic reminder on this Day of the Vow when 5 innocent people were murdered in three brutal farm attacks in the 3 days leading up to commemoration of the Covenant! On Saturday Bill Theron, an 85 year old chicken farmer, was murdered, then Monday the 14th, saw two more horrific attacks. The Bisset family of Korhaanfontein farm lost a mother and wife when Poenkie Bisset was callously stabbed and killed, while later the same day, a vicious terrorist attack in KwaZulu Natal claimed the lives of three innocents.
On Saturday 12 December 2020, after a heavy rainstorm Bill Theron (85) went outside to park his truck on his smallholding in Cramond, a small village overlooking the Albert Falls Dam near Pietermaritzburg, KwaZu
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#GBV Home of Two Frail Sisters (89 & 83) Invaded by FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN Who Brutally Tie One Up & Kick Ribs Off Her Sister!
If I were a black person, I would hang my head in shame. They say “You can easily judge the character of a man by how they treat those who can do nothing to them.” Clearly these very frail elderly sisters who could barely walk, with one being on oxygen, couldn’t hurt a fly, yet they were assaulted with absolute unnecessary brutality by FOUR, BIG, BLACK, ARMED, MEN who could simply have taken anything they wanted and left. Why the extreme violence? Hatred? Yet these are the scum who mainstream media, the ANC government and the liberal elite’s defend and protect! Just “normal crime” they say, as if normal crime is now legal and a perfectly acceptable excuse to totally brutalise and even kill someone, especially if they are white! Apparently the FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN are the victims, and the police could not even be bothered to answer the phone! “It happens to all races the libtards
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