Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and the families that depend on them. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development. That is why the family farmer network, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), decided to publish the largest digital land claims database online. Until now the ANC and Department of Agriculture have done everything possible to keep this information secret, but now the SAAI web page enables users to determine their land claim status in about 20 seconds!
SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Charges Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza with Contempt of Court
Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!
Hundreds of cows dying from neglect has been termed “a challenge” by the MEC for Agriculture in the Eastern Cape, Nonkqubela Pieters. What normal people would call animal abuse, the socialists (sociopaths?) call a challenge? It is becoming patently clear that Ramaphosa’s “our people” simply cannot, or do not want to farm, they just want the cash handouts and free stuff that comes with all these disastrous virtue seeking schemes. The milk farm financed by the state to the tune of R43 million, as a much publicised empowerment project for “our people”, has collapsed in the Eastern Cape, leaving most of the cows dead and not much going on besides the odd sickly cow wandering about.
SA-News has reported about many of these totally failed, lavishly funded state farms, which were intended to run on a socially engineered communist collective farm model – in other words where a f
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Natal farmers won court case against state dispute regarding to what should be fair and equitable remuneration for highly productive agricultural land
A 13-year court battle gave 20 farmers (willing sellers) a fair price for their land offered to the state. The claims were initially set at about 42 000 ha. Landowners offered some 9,000 ha of highly productive agricultural land to the state to settle the claim.
The government had to admit that the Valuer-General wanted to buy the farms from the farmers for almost half their value. The landowners of Melmoth in Natal entered into an agreement with the Department of Land Reform whereby they would voluntarily make land available to the government. The deal would mean R761m for the farmers.
The government has repeatedly decided that the Valuer-General’s assistance should be called and according to a “government formula” they calculated that the farmers were entitled to only R420 million.
Last week, the government abandoned the fight to use the formula. According to Attorney Bertus van der Merwe, who represented the farmers
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Farm Manager ‘thrown into fire’ during violent ‘farm invasion’ in KZN
FARM ATTACK – A farm manager in KwaZulu-Natal was hospitalised with burns on Saturday after “violent thugs” invaded a farm, set it alight and allegedly threw him into the flames.
IFP MP Inkosi Bhekizizwe Luthuli revealed details about the incident in a statement on Sunday on behalf of the Mathulini Communal Property Association.
“The perpetrators of this violent and unlawful act are part of the ‘concerned group’ that is attempting to hijack a 7,500 hectare land claim from the Mathulini Communal Property Association and the Ndelo Community Trust, valued in excess of R300m. The farms that make up this land claim produce 400,000 tonnes of sugar cane annually and employ 1,200 people,” Luthuli said.
“This violent hijack of a legitimate land claim is a desperate and unlawful attempt to achieve what has failed through legal processes that have so far cost the beneficiaries R6.5m in legal fees. The demands of the ‘concerned
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The citizens of South Africa demand to know what the ANC is doing with all this ‘State Land’! – Still they want to expropriate land without compensation from white farmers?
We don’t care about exact percentages- we care about the principle that our ANC Government is ‘hiding’ this land from our people, giving it away to corrupt Cadres & foreign powers in backhanded deals, and all this land largely sits idle while the average black South African suffers terribly in SA’s ever-intensifying shit-hole.
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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The time is nearing where ANC-government can now take your land if they want it! – SA president, Ramaphosa receives report on land expropriation without compensation from advisory panel
The report of the Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture will be tabled to Cabinet before being released publicly.
President Cyril Ramaphosa and Deputy President David Mabuza on Tuesday received the report of the Presidential Advisory Panel on Land Reform and Agriculture.
The task of the panel, which was appointed in September 2018 to support the work of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on land reform chaired by the deputy president, was to advise it on a broad range of policy matters, including restitution, redistribution, tenure security and agricultural support.
Land reform report to be tabled before Cabinet
It was mandated to review, research and suggest models for the government to implement a fair and equitable land reform process that redresses the injustices of the past, increases agricultural output, promotes economic growth and protects food security.
The panel was further expected to provide perspectives on la
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Squatters erected illegal informal settlement on Stellenbosch wine farm – Illegal Land grab shows people who are desperate for the land are not prepared to wait
As the ANC promises to move forward with its plans to rework land expropriation without compensation into the Constitution, the party’s supporters are tired of waiting, and are taking things into their own hands.
A new exposé by the New York Times has highlighted how farm land in Stellenbosch has been occupied by squatters who are tired of waiting around for the national government to deliver on its land promises.
Between March and August 2018, land belonging to a wine farm owner near Kayamandi, was occupied by the squatters and a new informal settlement was erected.
According to the paper, while the courts have ordered that the squatters vacate the land, the informal settlement remains. Those who led the charge to occupy the land said it was done out of desperation and frustration with the slow rate of land reform.
The municipality is negotiating to purchase the land from the owner, Stefan Smit, and has reportedly already moved to sup
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