Brutal farm murders and attacks in SA – Israeli team arrives in South Africa to interview farmers and evaluate situation

#WhiteLivesDontMatter! 4 Farm Murders and 39 Farm Attacks, in South Africa during July 2019

With every passing day that ANC denies that farm attacks and murders are a reality, 22 Farm attacks, 3 farm murders took place in beginning of July

Cyril says he condemns farm murders just like other murders, but why doesn’t he take action?

ANC uses army to act against gangs, but silent on the slaughter of farmers – 60 farm murders and 217 farm attacks in firs half of 2019

ANC losing the crime battle in SA? – 52 murders daily and has the highest rape rate with 65 000 reported cases a year

‘Just Kill Him, Brother’: A Widow’s Harrowing Story Of South African ‘Farm Attacks’ The Mainstream Media Dismisses

Ramaphosa has moral obligation to take a stance on farm murders, his excuse not to air his views on farm murders does not make sense at all – this is insulting, to put it mildly

HANKEY FARM RAPE VICTIM SPEAKS OUT IN COURT! – What a sad state of affairs our country is busy falling into – Irresponsible statements made by certain politicians fan this wave of crime!

National murder rate indicates that about 53 people per day perish, during the month of May alone, 46 attacks and 7 farm murders occurred

Foreign newspaper Daily Mail took notice of horrific crimes against whites in SA: WHY IS THE WORLD SO SILENT ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA? – For one simple reason; The victims are white.

179 attacks and 20 farm murders in 2019 – Rape, burned, shot dead … How do we fight back?