SA President, Cyril Ramaphosa meets reality – delayed for hours after chaotic trip on Metrorail train- 50km journey took four hours to complete

Num and ANC bumped heads over the restructuring of Eskom, union threatening to shut down power supply

Well with dagga legalised in South Africa this man maybe had to much of it:- White man (trash) declaring support for ANC (video)

Typical African ignorance – SA President, Cyril Ramaphosa went totally whacko – declared that white people stole land from blacks during Jan van Riebeeck’s period

SARB Changes from Sacrosanct to Nationalization – Ramaphosa is Misleading the Country with a Double-Edged Tongue

Cyril Ramaphosa expected to sign controversial Aarto Bill (Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences) into law

White Farmer Seeks Asylum with His Family at the US Border with Mexico – First in South African History

Cyril Ramaphosa, Minister Bheki Cele and Minister Tito Mboweni NAMED AND SHAMED

According to Senzo Mchunu, one of ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa’s confidantes, black managers are too blame for the bankrupt Eskom

What did South-Africans used before candles? Electricity! – Eskom is apparently technically bankrupt and its R420bn debt currently accounts for 15% of the country’s debt – will no longer exist at the current projection by April 2019

ANC president builds poor record due to numerous occasions where he has been caught distorting the truth, now Ramaphosa refuses to show the contract between his son and Bosasa

The National Health Insurance Act which will soon be put proposed, to provide free health care to everyone, regardless of where they are calling for medical care, will lead to chaos in private hospitals and may finally break the country’s economy