University students’ studies are hampered by members of the “Fees must fall” movement

Ramaphosa hides serious problems in SA, including farm murders, at the Africa Conference

Corona virus spreads dramatically – How long before it will reach South Africa and will the ANC regime able to curb it ?

10 Babies die at Tembisa Hospital, Gauteng due to outbreak of antibiotic resistant bacteria – deaths could have been avoided if there was sustainable hygiene and sufficient staff

Universities and the new SA – Barbaric actions of “previously disadvantaged groups” destroy tertiary institutions across the country free education

Yank your generator closer and grab those candles, chances are huge for #RollingBlackOuts tonight

Embattled National Carrier gets R3.5bn lifeline from Development Bank

Lesufi once again disregards rights of Afrikaans-speaking communities in Combined School in Cullinan

Will SA consider nuclear power plants and will it be safe in the hands of a Third World country ruled by the ANC regime?

SAA crisis becomes ANC nightmare – No banking institution wants to borrow R2 billion for bankrupt government-controlled entity

Liquidation of Gupta company, Oakbay back on the table

Future of SA is bleak after ANC-regime ruled a once model state into junk status and sh*thole