President Cyril wants to squander R25bn of taxpayers’ money on projects in Northern Transvaal

ANC-regime hunting Vicki Momberg because of her 2016 racial slur, while killers run free – 58 killings a day, not mentioning rapes and hijackings

State-owned bus company seeks R350 million bailout

State’s salary bill milking state coffers dry, yet Jan Van Riebeeck and whites are regularly chosen as scapegoats for ANC regime failures

Firearms amnesty: SAPS biggest distributor of illegal firearms and ammunition

Medupi with erection costs of R234 billion is still not functioning optimally due to poor construction and inexperienced workers

ANC regime blows millions of rands on students to study medicine in Cuba – Costs amount to more than double the amount it would cost in SA

Political chaos reigns in Gauteng over mayor’s office – DA and EFF in battle, IFP might walk away in victory

Head of SASSA under investigation after being accused of abusing his power for financial gain

R84 million Free State Cuban Technical Advisers Program died a sudden death without solving the “water problem”

27 top black executives were asked to be Eskom CEO – They all said no

Vandals tear R6.6m car wash apart, Tshwane spokesperson blames the weather