Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and the families that depend on them. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development. That is why the family farmer network, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), decided to publish the largest digital land claims database online. Until now the ANC and Department of Agriculture have done everything possible to keep this information secret, but now the SAAI web page enables users to determine their land claim status in about 20 seconds!
SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Charges Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza with Contempt of Court
Civilization is Too Technical & Complicated for ANC as Residents Are Charged for Air in Water Pipes!
Socialist Elitism in South Africa has finally achieved its aim of charging people for air, literally! Residents of Vanderbijlpark & Emfuleni are paying exorbitant bills for air coming through the water pipes, instead of water. All this because the minority are excluded from managing their own affairs, utilities and resources, so they are at the mercy of the incompetence, standards and values of the parasitic ANC and its self serving cadres & supporters.
Residents of Vanderbijlpark can expect huge water bills at the end of the month, even though in many cases water does not even come out of the pipes because there are frequent water outages in the area, and parts of the town are currently without water.
Peter Verbeek, the DA councilor for the SW5 and SW6 area in Vanderbijlpark, who is currently experiencing water interruptions, told Netwerk24 that it is actually air that enters the water pipes, that makes the water bills
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VIDEO: “Satan’s Children Are breaking Us” – Protestors Start Wildfires Which Rampages Across Farms in Freestate Destroying Farms, Livestock, Wildlife & Crops!
A disaster is unfolding and the mainstream media is, as usual, silent because those they champion started it. A protest action in Hertzogville on Sunday 18 October led to the destruction of at least 100,000 hectares of grazing and agricultural land and the deaths of countless livestock and wildlife. The protest by the residents of Tokologo, the black township outside the town, was over the brackish taste of drinking water. They tried to set the JoJo water tanks on fire in strong winds. Tires were also set on fire in the stormy wind on the R708, to protest the ANC municipality’s poor handling of the problem. Sadly however, the willful irresponsibility of the radicalised protesters, led to the destruction of many farmers’ livestock and veld.
17 people were arrested and appeared in Hertzogville court and were given bail of R1,000 each, however the fires are still raging. In districts such as Hoopstad, Bultfontein, Dealesville and Boshoff, farmers and laborers
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EVERYONE Suffers from ANC Corruption & Looting – Water Pressure Being Cut by 20% in Three Provinces Due To Municipal Debts Caused By Corruption!
The endemic, systematic and structural way of ANC politicians looting, as if there is no tomorrow, has resulted in water shedding in 3 provinces. This typical feed-at-the-trough subsistence approach, while there are still any funds left in the bank account, has now resulted in a bulk water provider – Rand Water – cutting the water pressure to 3 municipalities in 3 provinces. Yet still it seems they just cannot work out why Verwoerd is still smiling…
Rand Water has informed 3 municipalities that they are going to cut the water pressure to them by about 20% from Monday, due to huge amounts of debt owed to them by these municipalities. This will of course result in lower pressure water coming out of taps which will also impact on things like businesses, domestic appliances and even fire fighting efforts, due to reduced water pressure available to firefighters. High lying areas could be left without water completely.
The areas are Ngwat
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For 21 Years ANC Promised Flagstaff Running Water At Every Election, Yet Still Flagstaff Waits & Still Flagstaff Votes 84% ANC!
The residents of the Eastern Cape town of Flagstaff are very discouraged after trying everything possible for two decades to get the ANC to deliver promised tap water to their homes. Well that is everything except voting for another party. It is astounding that black South Africans continue to vote for ANC, despite two decades of failed governance and broken promises. Flagstaff which is 96% black African and 90% Xhosa speaking, voted 84% for the ANC in 2016! However voters are given no viable alternative because ANC and EFF work so hard to demonise minorities and stoke anti minority racism amongst the black majority.
In 1998 the ANC government made promises to the town that running water would be available to them, but the residents had to contribute R10 per household for the taps that each house would receive. The villagers were told to make the once-off contribution of R10 per household and with zeal, the R10 contributions were quickly collected and paid to the ANC g
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500,000 People in Freestate Goldfields Denied Their Basic Human Right To Water by ANC Corruption & Plundering of Municipal Coffers!
Half a million people in the Free State Goldfields region experienced the devastating results of municipal thievery and Ace Magashule’s cadre deployment legacy, when taps were dry since Friday. Today, a full half a million people in areas such as Welkom, Odendaalsrus, Virginia, Riebeeckstad and Ventersburg were without running water.
All the reservoirs are empty and plans were desperately being made to shift around and fix old water pumps. The direct cause of the crisis is a pump that broke and the water supplier, Sedibeng Water, being left without funds because of non payment of debt by the local ANC controlled municipality.
Peter, a local resident told us that it is now 4 days and 4 nights that they are without municipal water. They have to manually carry water in buckets to use the toilet. Worse however, is that in Riebeeckstad there is no drinking water for sale, and in Welkom the stock is almost all sold out. Drinking water is a very basic
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ANC Fails To Provide The Basic Human Right to Water & Sanitation in Many Municipalities Like Wolmaransstad. Local White Community Members Have To Jump in
Services in yet another ANC run town collapses as water stop flowing in Wolmaransstad. All that remains of this once beautiful Free State town is a filthy dump. It has officially joined the long list of rural municipalities under ANC control where municipal services have ground to a halt. Most parts of Wolmaransstad have been without water for 4 days now and that of course includes schools, businesses, the hospital and the old age home.
Anelle Willemse, who moved to Wolmaransstad 7 years ago and used her pension money to acquire flats which she rents out, spoke to Netwerk24 about how her her tenants are without water for 5 days now. She says the electricity was also off a while back and the tenants had to throw out meat because it went bad. She also said that in all the years, the refuse at the flats she rents out has never been collected.
Paul van Wyk, who owns an abattoir outside Wolmaransstad, pays up to R1,000 per day to buy water, otherwise he c
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White Residents go to Court to Take Over Municipal Services After Black Municipality Collapses. They Have Already Taken Over Water Treatment Plant After Water Stopped Running
The municipality that serves the area comprising Swartruggens, Derby and Koster, south-east of Sun City, in the North-West province has totally stopped functioning and that includes each and every service, even basics like the provision of water. Local residents led by the Rate Payers Association have declared an emergency and have started to provide the services themselves!
The reason that the municipality can’t provide any services is because all municipal workers are on strike, because the municipality has taken the pension contributions of the workers to pay for other “expenses”. The local residents are already working shifts to run the water treatment plant according to Mr Carel van Heerden of the local ratepayers association who was interviewed by Netwerk24.
The association had to obtain a court order last week to prohibit striking workers from intimidating community volunteers who now operate the water treatment plant . The i
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Water Shortages Arrived in Mpumalanga Towns To Stay – Sundra, Eloff and Rietkol Have Sporadic Water For A Year Now
Water shortages have become a very real reality for the residents of the neighbouring towns of Sundra, Rietkol and Eloff in Mpumalanga. The towns have been experiencing regular periods in which the water just stops flowing, for a year now . Local resident, Derek Bester, says water supply is unequal and sporadic with lower lying parts left without water for hours per day, and higher parts left without water for weeks at a time.
Residents are surviving using various means like sharing water from drill holes, getting water from farmers in the area and collecting water from their roofs. Those who don’t have any means of getting water on their own have to go to collective water tanks irregularly filled by the local ANC controlled municipality. The neighbourhood watch is delivering water to people without transport like old people in the towns. Afriforum is distributing 5 L cans containing drinking water at no cost.
Amanda Brandow of Sundra says that
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#TheAfricanWay: Orange Free State Too Dangerous To Live in? Winburg & Kroonstad Have Dead Pigs & Raw Sewage in River & Dam, Too Polluted to Purify!
Winburg and Kroonstad’s water has become so polluted that it is not possible to purify it with chemicals anymore. The water supplied in the pipe system and coming out of taps in the towns has become so polluted by raw sewage, that it has become impossible to drink because of the serious health hazard.
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ANC regime’s Multi-BILLION Rand water project in Bosveld does not deliver a single drop of water!
It has now been five years since the big water project for the Bushveld area was started. The outcome was to supply water to some 50 small villages where black people live.
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Smeek vir Reën deur Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch – Smeek vir reen in Sutherland en Die Kaap
Smeek vir Reën deur Marthie Nel Hauptfleisch – Smeek vir reen in Sutherland en Die Kaap
Kyk hier: SAUK TV
I thought I would share my story with you. I lived in Canada for ten years and returned to South Africa- now it is my passion to contribute to society through songwriting. This drought project is close to my heart. Especially because the child who was born in Canada wrote the press release for me before he left for Plett Rage: ten years abroad, ten years back Who knew?!- we all have a role to play in whatever little way possible…
When thinking about South Africa it is hard to ignore that with our amazing warm weather comes the opportunity for drought. We in the Western Cape are far too familiar with drought and how it can affect our communities after the Day Zero scare of 2018 but the p
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