Decolonizing Civilization: Sadly it is no longer news when two more white people are slain in violent black-on-white attacks, but one murder at a time, every day, our society and civilization is being deliberately deconstructed and “decolonized” through unchecked black-on-white murders, which have developed into ethnic cleansing of genocidal proportions, because the “authorities” are ignoring and even denying it! Two more white people have been brutally murdered in attacks by black gangs in South Africa, but these attacks are just daily trivia in liberal media, with no mention of the fact that these attacks can be seen as a slow genocide, because tens of thousands of white people have been murdered by black attackers in similar attacks since the ANC was given the country in 1994. But because these brutal black-on-white murders are spread out over time, the media mostly ignore it. The liberal media rather constantly occupy the collective min
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Savage Africa Deconstructs Our Society & Civilization as Black-on-White Murders Continue Unchecked During Lockdown!
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#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!
WE ARE BEYOND GATVOL! A well known member of the Run/Walk for Life athletic club, Belinda Huyzers (49), was callously and unnecessarily shot dead, in cold blood, during a home invasion at the family home! What will it take to stop this murderous Socialist driven genocide of all nations in SA? We can swear, we can protest and march. We can debate, insult, shout, argue, beg, plead, pray and even fight, but nothing changes. Europeans have always counted and honoured their dead and we are not about to stop now! Riding hard on the back of the radicalized “Black Majority”, the police, authorities, government, ANC, EFF, Mainstream Media, Globalist Big Tech and MultiNational corporations do not give a damn. What are a few lives when there is so much power, plunder and profit to be made out of stealing from, enslaving, abusing and oppressing normal people? “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Th
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#GBV Home of Two Frail Sisters (89 & 83) Invaded by FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN Who Brutally Tie One Up & Kick Ribs Off Her Sister!
If I were a black person, I would hang my head in shame. They say “You can easily judge the character of a man by how they treat those who can do nothing to them.” Clearly these very frail elderly sisters who could barely walk, with one being on oxygen, couldn’t hurt a fly, yet they were assaulted with absolute unnecessary brutality by FOUR, BIG, BLACK, ARMED, MEN who could simply have taken anything they wanted and left. Why the extreme violence? Hatred? Yet these are the scum who mainstream media, the ANC government and the liberal elite’s defend and protect! Just “normal crime” they say, as if normal crime is now legal and a perfectly acceptable excuse to totally brutalise and even kill someone, especially if they are white! Apparently the FOUR BIG BLACK ARMED MEN are the victims, and the police could not even be bothered to answer the phone! “It happens to all races the libtards
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Normal Crime? “I Will Kill You!” – Young Black Man Invades Home & Relentlessly Stabs Elderly White Man Non Stop!
GOD PLEASE HELP US! A Brits woman prayed while fighting a life and death struggle, finding strength she did not know she had, to stop a young black male home invader relentlessly stabbing at her husband while shouting “I will kill you“! Basie Niemandt (65) of Brits is now in critical condition after he was stabbed repeatedly by a black attacker in his yard, which is protected by a palisade fence, alarm beams and an electric fence! If this were “normal crime“, the attacker would have just threatened them with the knife while demanding stuff, however he started stabbing right away, like an invading mercenary / terrorist?
Marleen Niemandt (60) says she found power she did not know she had, whilst in a life and death struggle to fight off an attacker who had invaded their property and started to stab her husband non stop. She and her husband Basie (65) were attacked by a single attacker this weekend on their
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Two Armed Home Invasions in Rustenburg in Two Days! George Spalding and Abel Pienaar, shot by black home invaders in separate incidents.
A second Rustenburg man has been shot and seriously wounded by a home invader in a matter of 48 hours, after George Spalding (54) was shot in the early morning hours of Thursday morning in his home situated in the Cashan neighbourhood of Rustenburg. Abel Pienaar (42) was also shot in his stomach in the early morning hours of Saturday in his home in Safari-Tuine, Rustenburg.
We covered the George Spalding incident here and it is possible that the same gang is involved. Both men are now being treated in the ICU of a local hospital. Pienaar lives with his wife Lizelle and 3 children in a gated complex and Pienaar went out at around 01:30 to bring in the family’s budgie, which he had forgotten outside. Just as Pienaar went out and returned with the budgie, an intruder came in behind him. The intruder who came in, a black male, was
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Yet Another White Life Taken Just For a Phone as 70 Year Old Charles van Heerden Shot by Four Black Males in Moseley, Durban!
The plunder and fatal fleecing continues as another life is taken for a phone – Charles van Heerden (70) who was wounded in a house robbery in Durban on Tuesday, has died from his wounds. One 70 year old man versus FOUR armed cowardly black males…
Charles van Heerden (70) was shot in his lower body and his loyal dog Hunter was also shot when 4 black male killers entered his house in Moseley, Durban through the front door on Tuesday evening. Mr Van Heerden’s dog Hunter tried to protect his owner and attacked the intruders but was then shot by the intruders.
Van Heerden’s wife Hettie was present in the house at the time but thankfully not injured. Van Heerden was admitted in a local hospital and his dog in a local veterinary hospital. It was reported that Mr Van Heerden passed away on Friday 31 January 2020 due to complications stemming from the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
No arrest have been made and sadly it is just ano
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