Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and the families that depend on them. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development. That is why the family farmer network, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), decided to publish the largest digital land claims database online. Until now the ANC and Department of Agriculture have done everything possible to keep this information secret, but now the SAAI web page enables users to determine their land claim status in about 20 seconds!
SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Charges Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza with Contempt of Court
Head of SASSA under investigation after being accused of abusing his power for financial gain
Accusations are made that Themba Matlou, who heads the Social Security Agency (Sassa) in the Central Transvaal, used his office to campaign for a provincial position in the ANC.
Allegations are also being made that he used the state’s resources and finances for the campaign, and the Public Protector will now investigate the allegations.
He is also accused of abusing his power as chief officer by harming people who disagree with his views.
It is not known who filed the complaint with the Public Protector’s office on November 5, but the OB office apparently wrote a letter to obtain further information on the charges.
The complainant claims that Themba Matlou also approved that transport and hotel accommodation be paid for one of his “loved ones”.
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Transnet wasted almost R50 billion, most of which is used to buy trains that cannot be used in SA
State-owned entities are currently under considerable pressure and there is doubt as to how many of them have the ability to continue without the necessary financial assistance.
This is the opinion of Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu, who last week released a national and provincial auditor’s report for the period 2028-2019 in Cape Town.
He says there are weaknesses in the performance of many entities and the roughly 14 state-run institutions that are heavily subsidized by the state and the ANC government apparently did not contribute much to improving their results.
The 14 institutions also spent R1.4bn on illegal spending, and may be further investigated with further investigations.
Denel, the SABC, SA Express shipping company, and the SA Forestry Company are some of the biggest offenders of wrongful expenses incurred.
With Transnet wasting nearly R50bn, the bulk of which has been used to buy trains that cannot be used in SA, a
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Parasite SEO Eskom, paralysing SA as the country is running out of money; unless considered action is taken, not just talk – South Africa remains standing at the brink of destruction
When Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on Tuesday told MPs government would have to review its funding requirements, he put into financial jargon that, actually, South Africa’s running out of money. And Eskom is to blame, in the main.
Bluntly put, Tuesday’s Special Appropriation Bill is scraping together R59-billion extra for Eskom — that’s in addition to the R23-billion a year already announced in February’s Budget — to ensure the power utility keeps its lights on.
The bailout timing is crucial — a week to the day before Eskom releases its financial results. Twice delayed already, it’s now on public record the power utility wasn’t a going concern; effectively bankrupt, it can’t meet its obligations under its own steam. The Special Appropriation Bill’s proposed R59-billion bailout over two years has ensured the auditors, on the back of such an official guarantee, can now sign off on the Eskom financials.
“Eskom’s funding pl
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How do you explain it? Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in South Africa are functionally correct
The Auditor-General, Kimi Makwetu, pointed out the big sore in the economy of the country.
In his latest report, he shows that politicians and officials simply ignore his office’s recommendations.
The other truth that emerges is that municipal councils do not have the necessary skills to handle finance.
Only 18 of the 257 municipalities in the country received clean audits, a worsening of the 33 who received clean reports in 2015 – 2016.
Almost 33% of the councils spend more than they bring in which is a total debt of R5.8bn. Unauthorized R1.3 billion is water under the bridge that will never be recovered.
North West, Limpopo and the Free State have no municipality that received a clean audit. Then add the R9.12bn debt to Eskom and R5.85bn to the Water Council by councils then paint a pale picture of the state of the country’s municipalities.
Then, in the 2017-18 financial year, 18% of the Councils did not
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