#TheAfricanWay Sub-Station in Springs Burns Down Because Ekhurhuleni (East Rand) Municipality Failed To Do Repairs After Break-in Last Year, Despite Being Warned It Could Catch Fire, Leaving Thousands Without Power!

ANC sued by car rental company for failing to pay R5.7 million for 595 cars

Ekurhuleni Mayor connected with toilet tender scandal to the value of R1,9 billion denies that he has done anything wrong

City of Joburg only has 6 working fire engines – it is definitely currently facing a crisis when it comes to its firefighting capabilities

Disgruntled community members torched primary school following a protest against lack of electricity – How stupid can you be, asking for free education and now this?

Another horrific farm attack occurred in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng – Nigel farmer attacked with pick-axe handle, burnt body found next to vehicle

R6 million in taxpayer money has been wasted on an unfinished project in Boksburg by the Ekurhuleni municipality