People from across the political spectrum took to the streets of Amsterdam on Sunday to protest against the proposed vaccine passports by the Dutch government. The protest was so large that roads in the the city centre were blocked for miles, but all the mainstream media in the Netherlands tried to ignore or diminish the protest. Some claimed that it was only 10,000 far-right extremists, but that lie was soon exposed by the presence of young dance music fans, Hare Krishnas, religious organizations, pensioners, anarchists, cyclists, former police officers and soldiers.
Huge March Against “Vaccination Passports” in Amsterdam Draws 100,000 Protesters from Across the Political Spectrum!
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Population Replacement: Two Pioneering Free State Family Names Wiped Out by War on Boers!
The Plague of Farm Murders Today, Proves The “Bittereinders” Were Right, Boers Should Never Have Surrendered! The centuries long battle between the “Tillers of the Soil” and the “Moneylenders” is kept secret, yet it rages on in South Africa right before our eyes, where for yet another farming family who tilled the soil for 147 years, this era has violently ended with the heartbreaking, but sadly not unique story, of how the family names of 2 pioneering Free State families, the Hennenman and Hills families, were wiped out in 2 wars against the Boers, over a century apart.
The interwoven Hennenman and Hills family names are no more, finally and violently wiped out in a Farm Murder recently and the Anglo-Boer war 120 years ago – the slow genocide (although undeclared) war against whites driven and encouraged by the ANC and EFF in South Africa. Whose family name stands to be wiped out next?</p
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SA Passes 1,000 Covid19 Deaths, But Are They Real? ANC’s Old Trick of Deliberately Mis-Classifying Cause of Death Surfaces Again…
As South Africa becomes the 22nd worst affected country, only 4 positions below China, overtaking Netherlands and Sweden, who had no lockdown, stories are surfacing of the government deliberately classifying causes of death as Covid19 when they weren’t! However we have seen this old trick before, when the ANC deliberately mis-classified the death of people due to negligence in state hospitals, or from farm murders, in order to skew the real data and hide their incompetence and the silent genocide by deliberate negligence, that is taking place in SA. Are they even keeping track of demographic data in CCP-virus deaths given that it appears to have affected non whites worse in other countries?
The evil ANC regime might have been able to get away with silently skewing data on death certificates from hospital negligence
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India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too, What About SA? China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!
Just as the ANC regime make a song and a dance about receiving a batch of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from China, India joins the long list of countries complaining that they have been duped by China’s altruistic propaganda campaign. India received 50,000 faulty personal protection equipment (PPE) from China. Like South Africa, and many other desperate countries, the gear was part of a charity drive trying to improve China’s image as a global power, promote communism, and also to make up for unleashing CCPvirus on the world, which has now killed nearly 150,000 people. However it is very unlikely the pro China ANC will ever admit to receiving faulty gear from its communist counterpart, China.
According to India’s Health Ministry (ICMR), China’s poor quality control has now become a global headache at a time when the world needs help the most. It is almost like pushing someone into the water, then pretending to save them by throw
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#CatastrophicProfiteering As Desperate European Nations Return Defective Medical Gear To China, NASPERS Partners With Communist China to “Donate” a R 1 Billion Tax Break for its Tencent Business in China, To Buy Chinese Made Medical Gear For SA’s COVID19 Fight!
The Profiteering & Propaganda opportunities created by the CoronaVirus catastrophe seem endless for the Chinese Communist Regime and its sympathisers like NASPERS, ANC, Jack Ma, etc. who are not letting a good crisis go waste! Having shut its own borders preventing anyone from coming in, China is now happy to play godfather to a world struggling with the ravages of their Chinese virus. China are exporting anything from the virus itself, to masses of cheap low quality, defective medical goods and gear with heaps of propaganda. Like a virtual Commie love-fest, Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation, that NASPERS, China’s china, had “donated” R1.5 Billion to help Communist China, erm sorry, for the Corona Relief Fund in SA, however the Naspers group will contribute only R500 Million to the Corona Relief Fund, announced by the President last week.
Naspers and its Tencent Business in China, in partnership with the Chinese Communist govern
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Two Tourists From The Netherlands Shot At in Farm Attack in Buffelsdrift, Pretoria
Two tourists from the Netherlands experienced first hand what what farm attacks are about when they were attacked and shot at during a braai on a smallholding in Buffelsdrift, Pretoria
Two tourists from the Netherlands and their tour guide were attacked and shot at on a smallholding in Buffelsdrift which is north of Pretoria on Thursday afternoon. The tourists were braaing (BBQ) with some other people when 3 black male attackers struck. The tour guide ran to go and look for help as shots were fired at the tour guide and the 2 tourists.
Thankfully the 3 attackers fled without taking anything, probably because the tour guide got away and the attackers feared that he would raise the alarm. There were no injuries but the tourists were left severely traumatized. Neighbours did hear the shots and called the Police who attended the scene but no arrests were made.
See also: <a href="
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Dutch parliament ‘strongly opposes’ ANC’s racist land expropriation plan against white farmers in SA
The Solidarity Movement – which includes trade union Solidarity – said that it welcomed a motion adopted by the Dutch parliament on Thursday that “spoke out strongly” against steps being taken to allow for land expropriation in South Africa.
The motion was tabled by Martijn van Helvert of the Christian Democratic Appeal and Kees van der Staaij, leader of the Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij.
“A majority of members in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament voted in favour of the motion and thereby instructed the Dutch government to take a clear stand on this issue through bilateral and other processes,” said Jaco Kleynhans, the head of international liaison for the Solidarity Movement.
Details of the motion presented to the Dutch parliament
Kleynhans said the motion was tabled by Martijn van Helvert of the Christian Democratic Appeal and Kees van der Staaij, leader of the Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij.
“Over the
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