Take into consideration that it was Nersa – National Energy Regulator of South Africa – that called it bonuses in court papers, which is obviously statements made under oath.
Does Eskom now wants us to believe them over Nersa?
Eskom is now playing word and mind games with us by saying that it is 13th cheques, not bonuses . They also say that not all employees are entitled to these 13th cheques. That is where the lie alarm is going off and red flags are going up. What kind of employer does not give a uniform salary structure to its employees? Eskom also says. that employees can choose themselves if they want their total salary package to be divided into 12 or 13 cheques
So if we follow what Eskom has lied, we can then logically conclude that if an employee choose to have 13 pay packages per year and still gets an amount only intended for some employees, but not all, that amount only due for some is in fact a 14th cheque then.