SAA strike costing R52 million a day and with a bankruptcy record it could mean the end of the entity

Death bells are ringing for SAA due to impending strike

‘Mother of all strikes’ ready to paralyze SAA as union hints at ‘total shutdown’ if national carrier cuts a fifth of staff

Air travellers in SA – Bring your own food, union says, as strike threatens airport catering services

SAA pilots willing to strike to ‘save’ national airline – will be a first in its 80-year existence

Planned mass strike in banking sector blocked after interdict was brought to stop between 30,000 and 40,000 workers striking

SA warned to withdraw enough money ahead of banking strike on Friday

Kruger National Park a world-renowned tourist attraction, could be brought to a standstill by disgruntled workers over unresolved wage disputes

Free State municipal building torched by illegal protectors, regarding lack of service delivery

Employees of SA’s second largest medical aid administrator, to embark on a strike

Violent actions by groups of striking AMCU members are causing havoc and mayhem at Sibanye-Stillwater