South Africa’s matric class of 2019 has achieved impressive results, but may struggle to find work as the country faces constrained employment in 2020. John Botha, chief operation officer at Global Business Solutions, said that this is highlighted by the country’s current growth level. Using a labour elasticity formula he noted that for each 1%..
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Matric class of 2019 will struggle to find jobs – SA Youth unemployment rate rose to 58.2 percent in the third quarter of 2019
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Sex education taken too far in SA? Stats SA reports that well over a thousand girls under 14 years old gave birth last year!
Well over a thousand pre-teen and early-teen girls gave birth in South Africa last year, Statistics South Africa reported on Thursday.
In the 14 months between January 2018 and February 2019, the agency said, 1,287 births were recorded to mothers between the ages of 10 and 14, based on data drawn from the department of home affairs’ National Population Register (NPR).
That does not include unregistered births, nor those that have not been properly recorded. A further 4,872 births were to mothers either younger than 10 or older than 54 – or where the mother’s age had not been recorded and might have been between 10 and 14.
The 2018 recorded births for these very young mothers was down slightly, by 1.2%, compared to the previous year.
But the large number of young mothers did not stop the trend of an increase in the average age of mothers in South Africa.
The median recorded age for mothers in 2018 was 27.9 years, Stats
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Black African population is in the majority and constitutes approximately 81% of the total SA population -Population increases by 900 000 from 2018 and has risen to 58.8 million
The South African population has risen to 58.8 million from 2018’s 57. 9 million, figures released by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) Statistician General Risenga Maluleke have revealed.
The statistics are contained in the 2019 mid-year population estimates report released on Monday.
Of the 58.8 million, 51% are female while 49% are male.
Maluleke said births remained the main driver of population growth in South Africa. Population figures were also impacted by deaths and immigration.
The report reveals that by mid-2019, the country had recorded 1.2 million births, 200 000 net migration, while 500 000 deaths were recorded.
More than half the population, the report reveals, lives in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.
About 15 million (25.8%) South Africans live in Gauteng. Just over 11 million (19.2%) people reside in KwaZulu-Natal while 6.8 million South Africans (11.6%) stay in the Western Cape.
Mid-year po
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Unemployment rates rise to 27.6% and remain one of SA’s biggest challenges
Statistics South Africa announces that unemployment rose by 0.5 percentage points to 27.6% in the first quarter of this year. The figures confirm economists’ presumption that economic growth in the first quarter was negative and unemployment remains one of SA’s biggest challenges.
The SA economy started on a bitter note this year with unemployment rising to 27.6% after being 27.1% in the fourth quarter of 2018. The number of people employed is significantly less than a year ago and declined by 86,000 people to less than 16.3 million people.
By contrast, the number of unemployed increased by 3.7% to 6.3 million and the number of discouraged job seekers by 7.5% to nearly 3 million. This means that nearly 9.2 million South Africans of working age are not in school, do not study further and are not voluntarily unemployed. The figures come from Statistics SA’s quarterly employment survey (QLFS) for the first quarter of 2019, but growth fig
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Unemployment in SA is currently 27.6% – but the ANC regime tells voters how the figure is going to fall, they just have to vote for the party
The South African economy started at a very bitter note this year with unemployment rising to 27.6%. This was 27.1% in the fourth quarter of 2018, but the ANC regime told voters how the figure was going to fall, they just had to vote for the party.
Extensive unemployment has risen to the highest level so far, 38%. It was previously 37%, which was already a record. By contrast, the number of unemployed increased by 3.7% to 6.3 million and the number of discouraged job seekers by 7.5% to nearly 3 million. This means that nearly 9.2 million South Africans of working age (aged 15-64) are not in school, do not study further and are not voluntarily unemployed (such as homemakers or early retired people). The number of unemployed has risen almost twice as fast as the number of working-age people, increasing by 1.6% to about 38.3 million.
The figures come from Statistics South Africa’s(SSA) quarterly employment survey (QLFS) for the first quarter of 2019
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A change in birth options: What’s behind SA’s skyrocketing C-section rates?
Almost one in four babies born at public hospitals come into the world via c-section but is it costing some women their lives?
For decades, Caesarean sections were a last resort for mothers and babies in distress. If you had access to this kind of procedure, you could count yourself among the world’s lucky.
At the dawn of the 21st century, rates of the procedure in almost all African regions save for the continent’s north dragged along at less than 5%, recently published research in The Lancetshows. Meanwhile, the continent was home to more than half of the 13 countries responsible for the majority of the world’s maternal deaths, World Health Organisation (WHO) data from the year 2000 shows.
At the same time, C-section rates in much of Asia and Eastern Europe hovered around 7%.
Almost 30-million babies will come into the world this year by Caesarean if 2015 figures are anything to go by — nearly double the number of infants delive
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