Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and the families that depend on them. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development. That is why the family farmer network, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), decided to publish the largest digital land claims database online. Until now the ANC and Department of Agriculture have done everything possible to keep this information secret, but now the SAAI web page enables users to determine their land claim status in about 20 seconds!
SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Charges Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza with Contempt of Court
Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!
Hundreds of cows dying from neglect has been termed “a challenge” by the MEC for Agriculture in the Eastern Cape, Nonkqubela Pieters. What normal people would call animal abuse, the socialists (sociopaths?) call a challenge? It is becoming patently clear that Ramaphosa’s “our people” simply cannot, or do not want to farm, they just want the cash handouts and free stuff that comes with all these disastrous virtue seeking schemes. The milk farm financed by the state to the tune of R43 million, as a much publicised empowerment project for “our people”, has collapsed in the Eastern Cape, leaving most of the cows dead and not much going on besides the odd sickly cow wandering about.
SA-News has reported about many of these totally failed, lavishly funded state farms, which were intended to run on a socially engineered communist collective farm model – in other words where a f
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Barbaric Raids On SA Farms Continue – 11 hind leg tendons cut off sheep during latest farm invasion! Live stock and produce stolen on regular basis
212 sheep were stolen on Thursday night on the farm Esperanza between Welkom and Odendaalsrus.
The farm belongs to Mr Jan Bezuidenhout. He discovered the theft around 0600 on Friday morning. He found his Jack Russell that guards the sheep dead, strangled to death with a wire.
Mr Bezuidenhout subsequently found 11 of his sheep of which the hind leg tendons were cut off. There were many lambs amongst the missing sheep and in follow up operations with the Police a number of sheep and lambs were found back, amongst others in a squatter camp outside Odendaalsrus, but no arrests were made.
Mr Bezuidenhout told Netwerk24 that in December 46 cattle were stolen from him, in February 46 goats and in April 40 sheep, and now he has to deal with the latest loss. His mealies and ripe sunflowers are also stolen from his farm on a regular basis.
-Boere Krisis Aksie / 2019-07-13
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.
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ANC has set his sight on 30 farms in Northern-Cape province to steal once the parliamentary processes have been finalised
The ANC in the Northern Cape was in the process of doing an audit of all privately-owned as well as state-owned land.
A TOTAL of 30 farms in the Northern Cape, including several large commercial farms, have been identified by the provincial ANC for possible expropriation without compensation once the parliamentary processes have been finalised.
Vineyards and mixed farming farms in the Keimoes, Kakamas and Kanoneiland area seem to be on the radar in the list published on social media earlier this week by ANC provincial secretary Deshi Ngxanga.
Ngxanga said yesterday that the ANC in the Northern Cape was in the process of doing an audit of all privately-owned as well as state-owned land.
“This is to ensure that once the process of amending Section 25 of the Constitution has been finalised, we are able to speedily ensure that the land is distributed to especially young people who are interested in working the land,” said Ngxanga.
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