The president downplayed the EFF leader’s suggestion that he adopted the policy for votes without ‘meaning it’
In his reply to the debate in parliament that followed his third state of the nation (Sona) address, President Cyril Ramaphosa downplayed Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema’s accusation that the president and ANC adopted the policy of land expropriation without compensation for votes, without “meaning it”.
“I agree with honourable Malema that we will not solve the social ills confronting South Africa without addressing the question of land,” he said.
He then committed to making good on delivering changes to the constitution which would explicitly allow for expropriation without compensation.
“Parliament will have to deal with the Land Expropriation Without Compensation Bill to achieve agrarian reform and spatial justice. We want to make all rights visible,” Ramaphosa said.
“Given the
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