A far left hit piece against GAB was published in Newsweek and the Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, which was based on a “report” published by the jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The so called report highlights how people post GAB links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like. GAB is the alternative Social Media APP for people that have been abused by left wing platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and has become a refuge for Conservatives and Christians who have realised that the Establishment itself is far left.
“If you say Jesus is King, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will call you an anti-semite” – #GAB Responds to New #ADL Attack
If You’re White, You’re Out! Barloworld Defends & Continues its Systemically Racist Lay Off Programme!
Black Monopoly Capital: Encouraged by racist courts, Barloworld is continuing to lay off staff simply because they are white, while Solidarity vows to intensify legal action after bringing an urgent application against Barloworld Equipment in the Labour Court, to challenge Barloworld’s consultation process during its recent race based retrenchment process.
According to Solidarity, Barloworld which manages brands like Avis, Caterpillar, Perkins, CAT, Timber24, etc., did not consult properly regarding the selection criteria used in order to decide which of its employees would be retrenched, because the selection criteria for retrenchments include, among other things, retrenchments based on race.
Willie Venter, deputy general secretary of the Metal & Engineering Industry at Solidarity said “We are extremely disappointed with the unfair way in which Barloworld handled the process. The fact that they have now laid off more workers on th
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Racist Black Police Officers Confiscate Food Parcels From White Families as More Incidents of Institutional Racist Abuse of Whites Come to Light in Lockdown SA!
Police Literally Stealing Food from the Mouths of Children! When racist black South African Police Officers invade the house of a destitute white family, to confiscate their food, one cannot help but think of the forced starvations in USSR like the Holodomor and Lenin’s genocide. After the shocking incidents of abusive treatment of minorities by black Police officers at Ballito and Dwarskersbos, even more shocking incidents have come to light in Middelburg, Mpumalanga, where three racist black Police officers invaded the home of a destitute white family at night and confiscated their food, which had been donated to them shortly before. The food parcel had to be delivered under cover of darkness because the Police don’t allow food donations direct to white people and will arrest people for donating to whites! The hungry grandchildren in the family, 5 and 12 years old, had to watch helplessly as the three black Police officers carried their food away!</p
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16 Black Police Officers Attack 6 White Family & Residents at Home! Is Ramaphosa & ANC’s Anti White Racism Inciting Anti White Racism in Police & Black South Africans?
Thanks to the constant anti white rhetoric from Ramaphosa and the ANC, SA has become a black Fascist Police State trying to ethnically cleansing a minority. In a shocking display of anti white racism and increasing State brutality, a group of 16 black Police officers burst into the house of a white family and residents making food at home, last Friday evening. What ensued can only be described as a litany of racial abuse and heavy handed police brutality against unarmed women!
Donovan Maas, a financial advisor who was the only man of 6 white residents of the house in Westdene, Bloemfontein were told: “What don’t you white people understand about being under lockdown? You just want to braai. You must rather f*ckoff“. Despite seeing that there was no party going on, the Police group of 16 still saw fit to push the residents around, use vulgar racist language and Pepper spray Maas, his mother Sonette and another female who works for M
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Countdown to land grab: SA farmers under siege – Radical left-wing and anti-white ANC-government is intent on confiscating land belonging to white farmers — without compensation.
The process of state-sanctioned land grab was given further momentum when another parliamentary motion was passed on Thursday.
This week saw another vote in the ANC-dominated parliament in favour of changing the South African constitution to allow for expropriation of property without compensation. On Thursday a motion to establish an ad hoc committee to draft an amendment of Section 25 of the Constitution, protecting property rights, was passed with 189 votes to 67, without any abstentions.
A broad coalition of anti-white parties, including the ANC, EFF and NFP voted for the motion, while those in opposition such as the DA, IFP, FF Plus and ACDP voted against.
The ANC’s chief whip, Pemmy Majodina, introduced the motion which stated that the fifth paliament had already adopted a report by the constitutional review committee (CRC) recommending the Constitution should be amended so section 25 “makes explicit that which is implicit in
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