Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and the families that depend on them. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development. That is why the family farmer network, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI), decided to publish the largest digital land claims database online. Until now the ANC and Department of Agriculture have done everything possible to keep this information secret, but now the SAAI web page enables users to determine their land claim status in about 20 seconds!
SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Charges Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza with Contempt of Court
Northern Cape farmers forced to knees with worst drought crisis in 70 years
The years-long drought in parts of the Northern Cape has made it the worst crisis the province has experienced in the last 70 years.
Livestock donations and even cash donations are regularly received from organizations and individual donors, but the crisis is far from being far too small.
Estimates made indicate that at least R750m is needed to save the farmers from total ruin.
Many farmers have reduced their livestock to core numbers with which they intend to rebuild a herd when the rain comes, but it will take years to put the total number of livestock back on each farm.
Donors are requested to liaise with organized agriculture as the government is quite reluctant to alleviate the need.
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There’s a false perception by some ignorant black South Africans that farm workers alone are actually the brains behind farming success
Please note the attached article – many Zimbabweans were gainfully employed as workers in the 1970’s —their efforts were well received, highly productive, and mutually beneficial to the country’s agricultural success…and all parties were aptly recognized for this esteemed ranking back in 1975.
If black Zimbabweans workers were the brains, why then did these black Zimbabweans abandon their country and the land they loved? Why did they choose not to use their farming knowledge and techniques? Why did they choose to turn Zimbabwe into a dust bowl, and result in the extreme suffering of millions? The answer is that clearly black Zimbabwean farm workers lacked the knowledge, the tools, resources and infrastructure to build their own massive agricultural business. Even if they had the knowledge, Robert Mugabe didn’t want his ‘people’ thriving – he wanted everyone weak and reliant on him…which explains the worlds outrage at Mugabe
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Cyril, are you the next Robert Mugabe, you might not like to compensate white farmers and don’t care if we are murdered, but, you need us in order to feed your people:- Thousands of white farmers to receive compensation for land in Zimbabwe
It’s a historic day for thousands of white farmers in Zimbabwe: The government have agreed to compensate landowners affected by land reform policies.
Zimbabwe’s Finance and Agriculture Department have confirmed that they have begun the process to compensate the white farmers who were dispossessed of their properties, following the brutal implementation of land reform policies 19 years ago.
Zimbabwe land developments – latest news:
Reuters report that 4 500 white farmers were forced to redistribute the land to around 300 000 black families. As Zimbabwe secured independence in 1980, families of a colonial heritage still held claim to most of the land in the country. However, the cruel manner in which the expropriation was handled sent shockwaves around the world.
The farmers were booted out of their homes, often chased away by angry mobs who were encouraged to grab land by Robert Mugabe. Deaths, violence and the de
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