The 2018 exam has many matriculants in ecstasy about their excellent results, and the ANC government is broad breast over the 78% pass rate reflected.
It is even haunted by statements of “great improvement” over 2017’s results and that the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, is believed to be South Africa’s best minister.
The pass rate is set at 78.2%, and is apparently a significant improvement over any previous year, with 2017’s 75.1% and 2016’s 72.5%.
The 790,843 students are also the largest number of people who have completed the exam in one year.
There are also the facts that are apparently obscured for political reasons, because once it is taken into account, there is only one long sadness and no reason to get excited.
First, the pass rate of subjects is a mere 30%.
Secondly, the scores achieved have been “upgraded” by many subjects to prevent too m
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