State hospitals in SA frequently makes news headlines and not because of good medical care! – Addington hospital in flames, 84 patients had to be evacuated while elevators were out of order

Inhumane abuse of elderly woman at the hands of hospital staff in Mamelodi Hospital – woman tied up to a leg of a chair and lying on the floor

‘Terminally ill children left to die in pain in SA government hospitals’ – ANC-regime has not yet implemented its policy on palliative care, affecting paediatric patients with terminal illnesses.

Ill baby denied healthcare at state hospitals, as a result of very arrogant medical employees the infant died – death could have been prevented if medical team chose to do their job properly

WGO waarsku oor ’n volgende griep epidemie –Sal SA-regering gereed wees om so ’n krisis die hoof te bied as mens die huidige gesondheidskrisis van die land in ag neem?

ANC government neglected to replenish stockpile of vital vaccine on time, now SA has to cope with nationwide shortage – children’s health conditions are now under threat

ANC owerheid nalatig om betyds voorraad aan te vul van lewensnoodsaaklike entstof, nou sit SA met landswye tekort – kinders se gesondheidstoestand word nou bedreig

Pasiënte se regte word benadeel by Bophelong hospitaal a.g.v. infrastruktuur uitdagings – nie-nakoming van aanvaarbare standaarde en norme kan lei tot die uitbreek van siektes omdat infeksiebeheer nie behoorlik toegepas word

Motsoaledi: We can’t wait to improve healthcare before implementing NHI

The National Health Insurance Act which will soon be put proposed, to provide free health care to everyone, regardless of where they are calling for medical care, will lead to chaos in private hospitals and may finally break the country’s economy

Motsoaledi swyg oor proses met NGV-wet – paneel wat die markondersoek na die private gesondheidsbedryf lei, se werk is opgeskort tot in die nuwe boekjaar omdat die geld glo opgeraak het om hulle te betaal

General Manager of the Medical Scheme Council is suspended after it came to light that he misled counsel around decisions taken in favor of certain organizations